Hot oil treatment


New Member
Trying to get into using hot oil treatments and looking for some info.
What is your favorite hot oil treatment?
Is there a specific brand you use or do you make your own?
If you make your own, what do you use/ mix?
Also do you use hot oil before you wet your hair or after?

I need to start back doing them but mine are basic. I just use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (it's only extra virgin b/c I cook with it).

I wet my hair, nuke the olive oil to warm it, pour it on, massage it in, put on a cap and do house things for at least 1 hour if I'm in for the day. I hate sitting under the dry for that.

I don't rinse it out, but first apply my shampoo and work it in... then I rinse and proceede with my regular poo/condition days.

I also mix oil with my conditioner when I deep condition.
I use unscented amla oil from FNWL (mixed w/ a little jojoba, kemi, macademia nut oil, etc, etc). I saturate my hair and leave it on for 1-8 hours then rinse and co-wash (or wash). If I'm having dryness issues I co-wash instead of wash after my treatment. If I'm having a lot of dryness issues I wrap it in a steaming hot towel before co-washing.

ETA: I have made my own a few times from powdered amla and coconut oil. It was just as good IMHO. :wink2:
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