Hot oil treatment wet or dry hair?


When doing your pre-shampoo treatment do you apply the oil on wet or dry hair and if you've tried both which works better?
I first tried wet hair...the oil just seemed to sit there, without penetrating...then I switched to dry hair, with pretty good results. Now however, the dry treatments doesn't seem to be working as good as it used to...So now, I'm thinking about changing the oil or giving the wet treatment another try.
Some like it wet...some like it dry. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I guess it comes down to personal preference. I've started using a technique I came across recently: I section my dry hair ( I modify this step by putting the hair into loose braids), then I moisten a cotton wool ball in the warm oil, and apply the oil to the hair nearest my scalp in the first braid; next, I squeeze the cotton wool ball gently along the length of the braid. I repeat this until I've applied the oil to all the braids. By the time I'm done, my scalp and hair are both well oiled.
<font color="green"> Okay, DON'T LAUGH
I section my hair (dry) down the middle like I'm going to make pigtails then I melt my Coconut Oil ( That I get from From Nature with Love) and then I take a </font color> <font color="red"> turkey baster </font color> <font color="green"> and fill it with the melted oil and soak my hair in it. I then put on a plastic cap or wrap my head in Saran Wrap and put my towl over that. </font color>
Both dry and wet applications appear to have the same effect on my hair. However, I have noticed a difference between applying warm oil to my hair and straight out of the bottle - warm oil seems to penetrate better.
Ok I wasn't gonna laff... But that turkey baster gave me such a funny visual! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
The coconut oil works really well and I agree with Nyambura with the heating of the oil helping to penetrate well. Because coconut oil has such a high fat content (that's why it's solid at room temperature) it moisturizes really well as a hot oil treatment. I also sometimes use Olive Oil as well.
Can you find coconut oil in the supermarket. I've been looking all over for it.