Hot News!!! Dudley, Kemi


Active Member
Hey girls,

This morning at breakfast I met an up-and-coming stylist who has just graduated from the Dudley's school in D.C.

He told me that the DRC-28, the PCA Moisture Retainer and the Hair Rebuilder are three of Dudley's best products and are great for adding moisture (PCA) and strengthening the hair.

He also told me that he has perfected a technique for straightening natural hair--the California Silky Press. He uses a flat iron and Kemi hair oil to get the hair looks relaxer straight, light, and bouncy. The straightness lasts as long as three weeks. This may not be new news to LHCF ladies who have mastered the use of the Jilbere ceramic flat iron. Also, not washing your hair for three weeks goes against the tenants of the LHCF club, but it is great that a stylist has a perfected a technique to temporarily straighten natural hair.

The stylist sounds like a great guy. He said that he has been doing hair at home for more than seven years and he learned from his grandmother who has had a hair salon for more than 40 years. He does hair at his home and as the Dudley school on Rhode Island.

He plans to go to Vidal Sasson for color training and eventually wants to relocate to Minneapolis. He said that he thinks it will be easier to make a name for himself as a natural hair stylist in the Midwest, rather than head to NYC.

Well the sun outside is calling me so I gotta go. Talk to ya later.--kc
Thanks for the info Kasey
Dudley DRC-28


I mentioned to Jonnie that I was interested in trying the the PCA Moisture Retainer, but I couldn't find it. He told me that I could get the whole line of Dudley products at the school. He didn't say that the products are sold only to professionals. I suggest that you check to see if there is a Dudley school in your area and give them a call.
DRc28 is a prtein treatment?can u purchase this product or is only for professionals Kasey?

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For the DRC28 it depends on where you go, some places will sell to only pros but if you go to someplaces they'll sell it to anybody. But this stuff is EXPENSIVE like $45 at least!
but I've also heard it's the best. I'd try Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair if I needed a heavy duty protein minus the sticker shock
Thanks for sharing, I would love to be able to master the pressing technique at home (I have the kemi oyl) . Kasey do you think you can post more info. on the technique your stylist uses to press natural hair straight and bouncy?
I have had excellent results with the Rebuilder and the PCA Moisture Retainer. I use the Moisture Retainer more in the winter, but it's a wonderful treatment for the ends. I bring the Rebuilder with me ro the Dom. salon - routinely.