Hot, Cold, or Warm?


New Member
I'm a transitioner who loves to take hot showers, but I don't like to switch from hot to warm to co-wash, wash, or condition my hair. If you use hot water to co-wash, wash, or condition your hair, have you experienced dryness or damage because of this? What water temperature do you use to wash/condition your hair?


I would've done a poll, but don't know how, so if anyone wants to turn this into a poll... please go right ahead.

I too love to take hot showers. So i haven't experienced any breakage or damage/dryness from shampooing under those conditions.
I take scalding hot showers, but only on my BODY. My hair gets warmish/hot water if I'm getting it wet before a DC, otherwise it gets cool only.

I get in the shower, set it to scalding, get my body wet, turn the hot water down, get my hair wet, turn the hot water back up, put etc, etc, in my hair, handle my body bidness, turn the hot water down, rinse out my hair (head in shower flow ONLY), turn the hot water back up, warm up, get out. :lol: I don't even consiously think about it anymore.
For the most part I just use warm for my CW. I might turn it up just a touch when I wash my body.
I use hot/warm. I HATE cold water. What good is a cold water rinse when its going to dry out anyway (imagine walking around with cold hair until your next wash and constantly spraying it with cold water:lachen:)? There are so many other ways to seal the cuticle, I refuse to be cold. Its not that serious.
Back in December I had a total blonde moment and washed my hair with really hot water in the back :yawn: my hair still ain't giht so I'll still with the cool rinses.
I might be weird but I like cold showers :look:

I only wash my hair with hot/warm water if I do something with some oils, but after a cowash I always end my showers with cold water :yep: