Horror of Chin Hair.

Yep laser makes the thick hairs lighter, but definitely stimulates growth in other areas - i might have to give electrolysis a try.
I agree with the ladies who recommend electrolysis; the preferred method for darker skinned ladies. They do make lasers for us, but I wouldn't take the chance when so many woman have had it affect their pigment. I also agree with the woman who stated that you should get your hormone levels checked.
Please stop scaring posters - everything isn't a sign of PCOS. If the hair on your head grows "faster than normal" its stands to reason that you will be hairy in other places also. I've always had to shave legs/underarms more often than others and its gotten worse as I've gotten older.
I've had a hairy chin since I was a teen. My mama has one and I tease her that of all of her qualities she just had to share this hairy chin.

Right now I'm taking care of a burn on my mustache area as I was frustrated and left the nair on longer than I should have. My hair HOLLERS at perms and the hair on my face outright :lachen:at my attempts to remove from my face with creams. I've had friends (with my skin tone) that had horrible experiences with electrolysis so I'll just pluck and wax every once in a while. If you have other symptoms then by all means go to the dr but if you've always had hair growth welcome to the club!
With the exception of the caution note, my post is not intended to recommend any method but merely to share my experience. Like hair, everyone's skin is different so each individual must find what works best for them. Hair can be hidden - skin cannot

Caution: If you use chemical (acid based) skin peels, or any type of acid base exfoliator (Vitamin C serum, retinols, etc.), waxing and depilatories can burn your skin. Even worse, if gauze is pulled as part of the waxing process, it can literally pull your skin off.

Laser therapy is not an ideal process of pigmented skin. Results can vary from hypopigmentation to hyperpigmentation. Laser treatments on some skin can induce overactive melanin production, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

Unfortunately, many skin care professionals including doctors, who do not understand the uniqueness of pigmented skin, also do not understand the effect of certain treatments on pigmented skin.

Electrolysis is preferred over laser for pigmented skin.
I do have a friend who had laser treatment for hair removal and the skin where the hair follicles were treated hyperpigmented. She had electrolysis treatment a few years later and hair in the area has not returned.

I use chemical peels, acid base lotions, vitamin c serum and retin a skin care treatments. What I have noticed over the years is hair on my arms and legs has been completely removed. My eyebrows are not as thick and do not grow back as fast. I believe it is the long term use of acid over the years which lead to the hair removal.

I have my own "hairy" nightmare, neck hair!!! Ugh!! Recently, I have started applying my "acid base lotion" to this area - hoping to slow/eliminate hair growth.

Again, this is only a share of my experiences.
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I have this problem including neck hair. I've been checked for PCOS and I don't have it.
I used electrolysis for a while about 3 years ago and it helped loads so after a while stopped going but I should probably start going again soon. I hope the same woman is still there.
If you only have a few terminal hairs (dark, coarse as opposed to the light fuzzy), then electrolysis is the way to go. Otherwise, Laser...with a Yag laser (safest on dark skin). It might be cheaper than you think!
FYI. Just got confirmation that turmeric is used as a facial hair remover and preventative. ALSO you skin gets a glowing treat!

Talk to an Indian, they have all the secrets.
I have been experiencing chin hairs in my mid adoloscent years. I really HATE tweezing/plucking so i'm glad i came across this thread. There is literally a thread for everything woman on LHCF, i don't know if i could live without this forum and the family here.

So i Google electrolysis treatment and came across this company (www.niosspa.com/home) that seems reputable. I will be making my appointment for early next year. I'll be 30 in a few months and i really do not want to carry on my years with these annoying chin hairs.

Thank for the info and the suggestions ladies, i was really opting for laser treatments as that was what i searched for initially so i'm thankful that i didnt run ahead and do it but i researched a little.
Hormones do have a lot to do with body hair growth. I started growing thicker body hair, and I had high testosterone.

Exactly. It may not always be PCOS, but sometimes high levels of DHEA can cause it and a simple prescription can fix everything.