Horrible Dream about my hair


New Member
I had a dream that I henna my hair and as I was smoothing it in my hair start falling out in large pieces:blush: Scared the crap out of me, I woke up and started feeling my head to make sure all of my hair was still there. I mean I had to bc again to a twa:blush::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I have hair dreams but not as frequent as I did when I first joined the boards. Hair dreams are either scary or exciting. I haven't had a scary one yet...watch I have one tonight :nono: :lachen:

That dream would scare me too.
My grandmother always told me that when you have a nightmare you should immediately tell it/get it out of your system. That way it won't come true. Superstitious? Perhaps, but either way no one can dispute that it's good to get your worries off your chest :yep:.