Horray Results!!! :)


Active Member
Since my BC (July 2010) I've patiently waited till the day came where I could actually see results in growth, strength, retention, length and overall happiness of my hair.

That day has finally come and I just wanted to share :)

The pics were taken at 2 and 8 months natural.

My savior has been the S-Curl without a doubt. S-Curl = retention and moisture for my 4B strands. I've also been taking some vitamins for the past 2-3 months and will continue to take them as I like what their doing for me :)

More in ma Fotki.




Thank you for all the compliments!!!!! It sure does make my day - Can't wait to see how far i'll be in another 8-9 months.
Nice hair texture!!! S-Curl was my saving grace too back when I was growing out my natural hair after BC'ing.