Hooded dryers and soft bonnet dryers


Well-Known Member
Does your hooded dryer dry all of your hair? I am having a problem with mine becasue it doesn't cover the back part of my hair below my ears.

I'm wondering whether this is a design flaw or if all home hooded dryers are made like this. I am also thinking of getting a new soft bonnet dryer but I am uncertain as to whether the gray rollers fit underneath the bonnet. Does anyone have a problem fitting the gray rollers under the bonnet.

Please feel free to recommend any dryers you think are good---perhaps I'll put it on my Xmas list.
Yes, my Lady Dazey hooded dryer does dry all my hair - eventually. The hair from my ears back takes much longer to dry, just like yours. By the time it has dried, I feel like the rest of my hair has been overbaked.

And yes, the gray rollers fit comfortably under the bonnet of my Hot Tools soft bonnet dryer. They're a really, really tight fit with my hooded dryer, though.
My soft bonnet, hands down!! I can lounge around on the couch in front the tv, or talk on the phone, or lie in my bed reading a book, or spend the whole time in front the pc, logged into the LHCF, while I'm drying my hair! A soft bonnet dryer is much more comfortable than a hooded dryer, in my opinion.
Okay because I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE my soft bonnet hair dryer but I must have loved it too much because it kept breaking on me.

I think I'll ask for a soft bonnet for Xmas......

I really appreciate your input.

I have both, but prefer my soft bonnet dryer hands down. Unfortunately, the soft bonnet tears up all the time. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement hood?

Seems like the soft bonnet dries faster & leaves your hair soft. My hooded dryer is fine, but I don't like waiting all day for it to dry completely.

My hooded dryer dries all my hair but it takes a while. I had a soft bonnet dryer but it broke
Does the air from the soft bonnet have even distribution or is the majority of the air focused in the back where the hose is?
Kedra--what type of dryer do you have.....when my bonnet ripped I ordered a new one from VHelen of Troy(the parent company).

Good question diamond nh...ladies?

I think I remember the back would dry faster...maybe I can use the hooded for the top and the soft bonnet for the back....
Diamond: That's correct, if you leave the hose in the same position all the time. However, it's very easy to get around this: just shift the position of the hose at intervals as you're drying. For instance, I usually start drying with the hose just above my left ear; after about twenty minutes I shift the bonnet so that the hose is at the front of my head, then after another twenty minutes or so I change the bonnet's position again so that the hose is just over my right ear; finally, I position the hose just by my nape. This works great for me to ensure even air distribution, and is very simple to do - much simpler in practice than it sounds from the way I've described it!

Edited to add that you could also try drying with the hose at the back of your head, then simply shifting it to the front of your head (by-passing the other steps) after the hair at the back of your head has dried.
I don't know what kind of soft bonnet dryer I bought but it never seemed to dry my hair really good. I also had a Conair hooded dryer that I hated. The grey rollers wouldn't fit under it. Before that was a Gold n' Hot and then the hood broke off somehow!
Now I have a Pibbs model 514. I love it because it dries my hair in about 50 minutes.
They must be making the soft bonnet dryers more powerful these days. I have an old one, and it never seemed to dry my hair properly. I bought a Babyliss standing hooded dryer and it works well. The Pibbs is much better though; it gets really hot so it takes less time for your hair to dry (my Mom has one...)
It does get hot. But the one I have has a temperature control dial so it can get as hot as I want or as cool as I want. It was quite an investment but worth it!
I have only owned and used a hard bonnet dryer. At the present time, I own and use a Gold 'n' Hot Hood Dryer. It does a very nice job of thoroughly drying my hair.

I have, however, contemplated the purchase of a portable soft bonnet dryer that I could use when I visit my parents.


I got my soft bonnet dryer from Sally Beauty Supply - it's made by a company called Carel. I got their 800 number today.

What helps my entire head dry quicker is when I place a towel over the hooded dryer and clip it underneath my neck. The back of the towel is is draped over the back of my dryer. Works every time
Carel is made by the same people that made Lady Dazey a few years ago. It's a great dryer.

Check eBay for soft bonnet dryers. I won a Dazey Natural Wonder that was under $20 including shipping. Actually I won two NW soft dryers. The first one didn't work.
The seller took it back and refunded my $$$, though.

I got a nice hard bonnet Dazey dryer on eBay, too!
I dont care for my bonnet dryer because it takes 2 hours for my hair to dry while it takes 45 minutes to dry under the hooded dryer at the salon.
I have the same problem. I usually have to turn around facing backwards for an additional 10-15 minutes to get the back lengths dry. I purchased a soft bonnet from Sally's a few months ago. But after I set my hair (using mostly the purple rollers), I couldn't dang head (I promise I have an average size head !)in the thing. So, I returned it.
I have a hard bonnet and yes the back does take longer to dry, but my hair is almost always completely dry in about 45-50 minutes so I'm cool with it. Even a wet wrap dosn't take but an hour. And this is the person that created a whole post complaining that my hair never dried. I don't know what happened, but I'm happy
Lindy said:
They must be making the soft bonnet dryers more powerful these days. I have an old one, and it never seemed to dry my hair properly. I bought a Babyliss standing hooded dryer and it works well. The Pibbs is much better though; it gets really hot so it takes less time for your hair to dry (my Mom has one...)

[/ QUOTE ]

I got that one too recently I really like it but....i have to push my rollers in there though, do fit in there without manipulation?
CCD, You have to push your rollers in there?? Wow; you must be using some really big sized ones, cuz I don't have that problem at all...

*edited to add*: OK I just looked at your hair pics, and your hair is really long and thick (
) so you probably are using much bigger rollers than I do!!
hey Lindy... I use they grey ones and a few purple ones and I feel like the ones in the back don't fit in there so I have push them up a bit...sorry I didn't respond sooner..( it's hard to keep to keep track of where I post..)
I have the Conair 1875 hood dryer and it really gets hot
and the front and sides of my hair dry really fast but
the back takes a litter longer to dry.
CaramelHonee said:
What helps my entire head dry quicker is when I place a towel over the hooded dryer and clip it underneath my neck. The back of the towel is is draped over the back of my dryer. Works every time

[/ QUOTE ]

I do this too caramelhonee, i have a gold and hot dryer. What also seems to help me is to position myself under the dryer facing the left or the right. That way, the base of the dryer is touching my shoulder. Since i only need the heat to get the hair above my ear,it is a perfect fit!
Well, I did it! On last Friday evening, I purchased a soft bonnet dryer - my first.

I will let y'all know the results.
