hooded dryer recommendation

Wow that is nice and convenient! I bought the Ion Ionic Conditioning hood dryer, it works good and it's more in my price range $39.99.

Thanks for sharing.
mztami -
i have an ionic hooded dryer too. but i got tired of lugging it out and stacking in on 4 phone books to use it. then the back and sides never seemed to get as dry as they do when i'm at the salon. so i'll give this a try and if it doesn't work, i'll return it!
lol..I know about the phonebook. I have two hood dryers. One I bought a long time ago at a yard sale $4. It works good, but I use the Ion hood dryer because it's less damaging to my hair. Otherwise, I will still use my Lady Schick.
Mine just died. I bought a Carel bonnet dryer from Salley's. I don't remember when exactly, but I had it for less than a year.

Has anyone used Hot Tool's?
UPDATE: used the conair rollabout dryer today and it worked really well. what i like the best is that when u raise the visor on the dryer it automatically shuts off. you don't have to try and reach the control/dial on the side.

so i had a great hair day between using the new dryer which got hot without burning me and dried my whole head.
also did my first self relax SUCCESSFULLY. i can't picture myself trying to rinse the front and back out at different times. so i relaxed the coarsest section of my hair first (back/kitchen on the right side and my back/crown area). waited about 5 minutes to let it work. then i relaxed the rest of my hair that i'd portionned into about six sections.

my hairdresser never listened to my directions on relaxers. so i did it myself and i'm pretty happy!