
Well-Known Member
Honeychildlemmetellya! SATAN IS A DEFEATED FOE! I had to pray and realize that my mind is under attack. WHEW! Satan is such LIAR...He aint even creative...He puts the same thoughts on REPEAT in our mind and we FALL FOR IT!!

I just wanted to say to you all to be diligent over your minds....Examine every thought that comes in your head and make sure that it aligns with your thoughts. If it doesnt, cast it down!! Satan is attacking minds. Stay in your word, stay in prayer, be diligent! II Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ <------ Thats what we gotta do!

I read my post the other day in the confessions thread and realized that I was really trippin' on several levels and that I had been entertaining a WHOLE BUNCH of Satan's lies....THANK GOD FOR CLARITY!!

So I just wanted to send out a reminder....especially in the area of self-esteem...watch your mind for lies that Satan may be using...

You arent attractive.....You arent smart...You cant do that...No one likes you....Your life is going no where....Every one else is having so much fun...Your life is passing you by....You will never be anything...God doesnt love you....You are too big of a sinner to ever be a Christian....

I could go on forever...but realize those are LIES...get out the WORD OF GOD and find out the TRUTH!

Love ya ladies...shake those haters off...especially Satan...Hes the biggest one of ALL...

Love ya!!
My Dear Sister,

May you continue to know how much you are loved by God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Ghost!

The Lord loves you so much that He opened His arms to you from the cross...and can't nobody take that away from you.

Thanks for living a holy life that is bringing forth Good Fruit for all the world to hear and see.
EVERY high thing that would exhalt itsself against the knowledge of God...

key words...'against the knowledge of God.' If it's not God it's a lie. A lie you won't buy.

See, you've been under attack but you know how to fight back...and you have. You've exposed the fool and you've destroyed his weapons against you...Giving God the Glory...

God bless you, angel. :kiss:
I love this thread...Great Message, I will try to keep this in mind, lately I have been having a ton of negative internal dialogue, this is not a good thing. I will try to be more conscious of this:D
Praise God and Thank God you posted this. I have been going through lately and this is exactly what I needed to read. Shimmie I saw the title of this thread and was going come read it earlier but my little prophets were stinkin up the place and by the time I got done with them the internet logged me off(after a certain amount of time if you aren't active on the net it automatically disconnects) And when I came back in to find it I noticed on my school calender that I have some work due by 12 tonight so I did that instead of reading the thread. But thank you for pointing this out to me. Sisters I have been going through but by the grace and love of God I am free and this thread confirms it for me that the devil was hot on my heels. But I had to shake him off. God Bless each and every person who comes across this thread.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Honeychildlemmetellya! SATAN IS A DEFEATED FOE! I had to pray and realize that my mind is under attack. WHEW! Satan is such LIAR...He aint even creative...He puts the same thoughts on REPEAT in our mind and we FALL FOR IT!!

I just wanted to say to you all to be diligent over your minds....Examine every thought that comes in your head and make sure that it aligns with your thoughts. If it doesnt, cast it down!! Satan is attacking minds. Stay in your word, stay in prayer, be diligent! II Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ <------ Thats what we gotta do!

I read my post the other day in the confessions thread and realized that I was really trippin' on several levels and that I had been entertaining a WHOLE BUNCH of Satan's lies....THANK GOD FOR CLARITY!!

So I just wanted to send out a reminder....especially in the area of self-esteem...watch your mind for lies that Satan may be using...

You arent attractive.....You arent smart...You cant do that...No one likes you....Your life is going no where....Every one else is having so much fun...Your life is passing you by....You will never be anything...God doesnt love you....You are too big of a sinner to ever be a Christian....

I could go on forever...but realize those are LIES...get out the WORD OF GOD and find out the TRUTH!

Love ya ladies...shake those haters off...especially Satan...Hes the biggest one of ALL...

Love ya!!

So on time and on point. Thanks.

BSFG - You are such a wonderful breathe of fresh air.:)

trimbride and tiff, I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
This post is so good, I had to PM a few members just to bless them. It's one of those messages that we all need. ;) Too good to keep to ourselves.
Okay okay...its me again. I am so glad this post was here waiting just for me. I was just having this conversation with my mother about how I am just defeated. And I am not willing to let this defeated feeling go.

I am trying everything and nothing is working. I'm praying and I'm reading my bible diligently, I am listening to powerful tapes that are ministering to my soul. I just finished doing some research on the power of negro spirituals and biblical passages. I mean I am doing all I physically can. Yet and still I am in my room praying and crying for God to just take this defeat from me.

I think it is just my youthfulness that has me turning around in circles. I want to believe in myself but I am allowing a very oppressed feeling to dictate my life. I'm on edge and frustrated but I'm ready to let this negative feeling go. I don't know what the right move will be for me to move higher than where my mind is today.

Thanks for listening ladies.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Honeychildlemmetellya! SATAN IS A DEFEATED FOE! I had to pray and realize that my mind is under attack. WHEW! Satan is such LIAR...He aint even creative...He puts the same thoughts on REPEAT in our mind and we FALL FOR IT!!

I just wanted to say to you all to be diligent over your minds....Examine every thought that comes in your head and make sure that it aligns with your thoughts. If it doesnt, cast it down!! Satan is attacking minds. Stay in your word, stay in prayer, be diligent! II Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ <------ Thats what we gotta do!

I read my post the other day in the confessions thread and realized that I was really trippin' on several levels and that I had been entertaining a WHOLE BUNCH of Satan's lies....THANK GOD FOR CLARITY!!

So I just wanted to send out a reminder....especially in the area of self-esteem...watch your mind for lies that Satan may be using...

You arent attractive.....You arent smart...You cant do that...No one likes you....Your life is going no where....Every one else is having so much fun...Your life is passing you by....You will never be anything...God doesnt love you....You are too big of a sinner to ever be a Christian....

I could go on forever...but realize those are LIES...get out the WORD OF GOD and find out the TRUTH!

Love ya ladies...shake those haters off...especially Satan...Hes the biggest one of ALL...

Love ya!!

Oh, my goodness! I can't tell you how ON TIME this is!! I PRAISE GOD!! I needed to see this! Thank-you so much, BSFG!! :rosebud:

Shimmie, thanks for sending the pm about this thread. You know I needed it! :kiss:
planodiva said:
Okay okay...its me again. I am so glad this post was here waiting just for me. I was just having this conversation with my mother about how I am just defeated. And I am not willing to let this defeated feeling go.

I am trying everything and nothing is working. I'm praying and I'm reading my bible diligently, I am listening to powerful tapes that are ministering to my soul. I just finished doing some research on the power of negro spirituals and biblical passages. I mean I am doing all I physically can. Yet and still I am in my room praying and crying for God to just take this defeat from me.

I think it is just my youthfulness that has me turning around in circles. I want to believe in myself but I am allowing a very oppressed feeling to dictate my life. I'm on edge and frustrated but I'm ready to let this negative feeling go. I don't know what the right move will be for me to move higher than where my mind is today.

Thanks for listening ladies.

Rise up, baby girl! You are NOT defeated! That's just it. It's the enemy speaking in your mind, and it's time to tell him to get behind you. When the situations and circumstances that surround you look bad, thank God for them, because had you not been afflicted, you wouldn't pray as you do now!

But thank the Father that even when it looks like it's a defeat, it's actually a victory! God specializes in turning the hopeless situation into a great triumph! Stand boldly and claim it, sister! Remember that we are called to live by faith, and not by sight. Be careful not to allow your words or thoughts to ensnare you.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)

Simply put, you shall have whatever you speak. So start speaking health, prosperity, happiness, success, whatever you want the Lord to bless you with. Believe it, even if you don't see it yet. God is faithful, and He will supply all your needs, and bless you beyond what you could imagine. Just KNOW who you are in Christ. Be encouraged, sis! Your blessing is on it's way. I claim it for you, in the name of Jesus! :kiss:
thankyou so much for posting this, i REALLY needed to read this right now, Satan is a liar, and loves attacking my mind. I fall into some of those traps you are speaking of from time to time:sad: . I will stay prayerful and read the Corinthians scripture.