Honest stylist story- Just wanted to share


New Member
Typically, I am skeptical when it comes to hair stylists, but I wanted to share this little anecdote about one of the good ones. My hairstylists at home is 60+. She can relax, press, and wrap like no one's business. She will refer you to other people when you want updos or something intricate. I like her most of all because she cares about her customers (visits them in hospital) and she is honest. Here goes the story:

Within the past year, my mom has lost her mother and her brother. In addition, her job is becoming more stressful. She seems to be handling everything pretty well on the surface, but her hair has been breaking. Well, my mom went to the aforementioned stylist a little less than a month ago for a touch up. A week ago, she went back for a wash and set. My beautician noticed that her hair was breaking. The first thing that the stylist asked was "Did your hair break because of the last relaxer I gave you?" My mom told her, "No." She had just been stressed, and people could notice her hair was breaking more because of the straightness or something to that extent.

What stood out to me was that the stylist did not blame my mom who she has known for years. She automatically assumed it was something she might have done. I think it is refreshing today in any field when someone is able to consider that he/she might have caused something to happen. That is why I shall continue to go to her each time I return home, because she does care about her customers, even the ones she has known since rock of ages...

As you can see, this thread is nothing major, but just a reminder that there are still concerned, good people in this world.
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Aw, that is so good, i wish i could find a stylist like that. Could you ship yours over please?!!!!
That was a nice story. Hair stylist like her are rare. Well, at least I've never come across anyone like her.
mango387 said:
Typically, I am skeptical when it comes to hair stylists, but I wanted to share this little anecdote about one of the good ones. My hairstylists at home is 60+. She can relax, press, and wrap like no one's business. She will refer you to other people when you want updos or something intricate. I like her most of all because she cares about her customers (visits them in hospital) and she is honest. Here goes the story:

Within the past year, my mom has lost her mother and her brother. In addition, her job is becoming more stressful. She seems to be handling everything pretty well on the surface, but her hair has been breaking. Well, my mom went to the aforementioned stylist a little less than a month ago for a touch up. A week ago, she went back for a wash and set. My beautician noticed that her hair was breaking. The first thing that the stylist asked was "Did your hair break because of the last relaxer I gave you?" My mom told her, "No." She had just been stressed, and people could notice her hair was breaking more because of the straightness or something to that extent.

What stood out to me was that the stylist did not blame my mom who she has known for years. She automatically assumed it was something she might have done. I think it is refreshing today in any field when someone is able to consider that he/she might have caused something to happen. That is why I shall continue to go to her each time I return home, because she does care about her customers, even the ones she has known since rock of ages...

As you can see, this thread is nothing major, but just a reminder that there are still concerned, good people in this world.

That is very refreshing to hear. People today are way too concerned about themselves and think way too highly of themselves sometimes to even fathom that they could have done something wrong to your hair. My mother's medicine and stress broke her hair off and its thinning in the middle, my hair dressers solution, weave. Although this is a good and will allow her hair to grow, I wish she would recommend some oil or something...my mother probably can't use my BT because of the sulphur, she is allergic to everything...but Imma try to give her some of that because although my hair dresser is great, she is not one to think that she is doing anything wrong.
mango387 said:
Typically, I am skeptical when it comes to hair stylists, but I wanted to share this little anecdote about one of the good ones. My hairstylists at home is 60+. She can relax, press, and wrap like no one's business. She will refer you to other people when you want updos or something intricate. I like her most of all because she cares about her customers (visits them in hospital) and she is honest. Here goes the story:

Within the past year, my mom has lost her mother and her brother. In addition, her job is becoming more stressful. She seems to be handling everything pretty well on the surface, but her hair has been breaking. Well, my mom went to the aforementioned stylist a little less than a month ago for a touch up. A week ago, she went back for a wash and set. My beautician noticed that her hair was breaking. The first thing that the stylist asked was "Did your hair break because of the last relaxer I gave you?" My mom told her, "No." She had just been stressed, and people could notice her hair was breaking more because of the straightness or something to that extent.

What stood out to me was that the stylist did not blame my mom who she has known for years. She automatically assumed it was something she might have done. I think it is refreshing today in any field when someone is able to consider that he/she might have caused something to happen. That is why I shall continue to go to her each time I return home, because she does care about her customers, even the ones she has known since rock of ages...

As you can see, this thread is nothing major, but just a reminder that there are still concerned, good people in this world.

(sorry in advance, kind of long..."storytelling":)
Thanks for sharing this story. It is so nice to know that these powerful women are still around.:notworthy It is a shame that the younger generation of stylist don't have any RESPECT and do not attempt to learn this valuable knowledge from these professionals. I prefer a :notworthy"seasoned" stylist to a :mad: "trendy" stylist.

Oftentimes, when you visit the salons today, it is too much for anyone to handle for the 8 to 15 hours that many stylist work. For example, one salon that I visited, was "off the chain". Here is an example what happened at the first stylist that I visited when I moved to Nashville.

First stylist, my stylist did not even start my hair on time, for my "1st" appointment. In fact, don't you know she left, and was gone for about 45 minutes. Being my 1st appointment, I don't know why I did not even get up and leave. She came back and said that she had to go pick up her child. While I understand that having reliable childcare is very important...so is your clientele. I let it slide but after the 3rd appointment that she seemed to use my appointment time to go pick up her child.:mad:

Second stylist, fried the absolute crap out of my hair with a "mild relaxer" go figure. To top it off, some customer comes into the salon with her child, takes the child in the back of the salon and commencing to beat the absolute crap out of the child with a belt, and nobody said a thing or stopped it, or asked the customer to leave and handle her family matters at home. :eek: Needless to say, this was my first and last visit.

Third stylist, upsell diva..need I say more.
Fourth Stylist...loves the dryer...My hair was so mushy from being over conditioned...never cut my ends, trimmed or even asked or suggested if I wanted/needed one?:confused:

Don't even make me mention the braiders, that cannot seem to do anything that you ask. "Please just give me a nice loose extension.....just loose cornrolls" and by the time you get home everybody you don't know thinks your daddy is asian:nono:.

I am so done with "trendy" stylist. I sooooo wish that I can find someone like your mother has, to do my hair. That is AWESOME! :weird: :clap:
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what a great story!!

And Stella....all I can say is Wow!

Don't anybody hates when a stylist work on two or more heads at a time?
The funny thing about the stylist is that she is the owner of an eight-chair salon. (Most of the time, there is someone in each chair). It is not a small corner store place (Nothing wrong w/ those though). She just cares, and she will chew her stylists out (in private) if she feels that they are giving the customers poor service. All of the other stylists in there are much younger than her, but I believe she is trying to teach them to be good people and then clients will come. She also is one of the few employers that will give people a chance who have served time (not for heinous crimes-I have been going there since I was six and none of the stylists have ever done anything illegal there that I know of). At any rate, I give honor to whom honor is due. Ms. T, this thread is for you!
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