Honest opinions requested...


New Member
Sorry this is long. I've been here about a week now and I have finally organized my thoughts enough to seek feedback.

I'm natural, 4b, that wore weaves to transition so that is why my bangs are relaxed. I wore weaves because I was not ready to deal with my 4b hair and I was not feeling having a cute little TWA. Now that I no longer have the weave I'm unsure of what to do.

Right now, I prefer my hair straight. Since I joined LHCF I realized that moisture was my problem for my natural hair. Preferring my hair to be straight could be because I don't yet have the moisture level I need to make my curls look nice. But, I'm trying. With that being said I will only be straightening my hair once per week *until* I can manage it in its natural state and wear in a pony. Once I can do the pony, then I plan to straighten only twice per month.

Primarily, I wanted to transition to natural because my hair was NOT retaining length when it was relaxed. Secondly, the thought of having *some* natural curls show through was attractive to me. Since I found LHCF I see soooo many relaxed heads that are doing well. I'm wonder if, since I'm natural and I will wear my hair straight so often, if it will be best for me to just get a relaxer/texlax.

Here are my questions in a nutshell (some random and not related to the above):
- In your experience, is straightening natural hair weekly better, worse, or the same as relaxing?
- Should I trim my hair because of the nape issue I described?
- Is wearing bangs (since mine are relaxed) considered "non-protective"?
- If I change protective styles from day to day...braidout (starting with straight & dry not wet hair) going to a bun...is that considered excessive manipulation?
- Does/did anyone wash more than weekly with shampoo in order to get their regimine down?

i don't have pics yet, who knew it would take dell this long to send my christmas camera :(

Nailing down a reggie will take more time than you would imagine. I've changed mine many many times in the years I've been here.

  • for weekly straightening, I hope you plan to rollerset, cuz weekly flat ironing is a LOT of heat and may well damage your hair, especially since you aren't really used to your natural hair yet.
  • I find that using shampoo more than once a week does more harm than good for MY hair, your milage may vary.
  • Changing your styles from day to day may or may not be too much manipulation for your hair... only you can answer that with experience. Go slow and try to be gentle when you do style your hair.
  • Regarding the bangs, don't sweat if something is truly "protective" by someone else's definition. Do your bangs rub against things that will damage them? If so, it's not protective. If they don't get beat up by being out, then don't worry.
I hope I've helped somewhat.

The best thing I could tell you is that there is gold in them thar hills when it comes to STICKIES in the hair forum. I still go back and read in those threads to brush up on basics and to find the answers to questions I have. Read, read, read those stickies and you'll be hair wise in no time.

Happy Hair Growing
I'm falling asleep. Saving my place for tomorrow.
How much time have you given yourself to manage your hair without straightening since you finished your transition?
I'm falling asleep. Saving my place for tomorrow.
How much time have you given yourself to manage your hair without straightening since you finished your transition?

Thanks Carrie! I'll answer your question now in case you're here earlier than me. ZERO! I took the weave out and my stylist straightened the same day. :perplexed
Sorry this is long. I've been here about a week now and I have finally organized my thoughts enough to seek feedback.

I'm natural, 4b, that wore weaves to transition so that is why my bangs are relaxed. I wore weaves because I was not ready to deal with my 4b hair and I was not feeling having a cute little TWA. Now that I no longer have the weave I'm unsure of what to do.

Right now, I prefer my hair straight. Since I joined LHCF I realized that moisture was my problem for my natural hair. Preferring my hair to be straight could be because I don't yet have the moisture level I need to make my curls look nice. But, I'm trying. With that being said I will only be straightening my hair once per week *until* I can manage it in its natural state and wear in a pony. Once I can do the pony, then I plan to straighten only twice per month.

Primarily, I wanted to transition to natural because my hair was NOT retaining length when it was relaxed. Secondly, the thought of having *some* natural curls show through was attractive to me. Since I found LHCF I see soooo many relaxed heads that are doing well. I'm wonder if, since I'm natural and I will wear my hair straight so often, if it will be best for me to just get a relaxer/texlax.

Here are my questions in a nutshell (some random and not related to the above):
- In your experience, is straightening natural hair weekly better, worse, or the same as relaxing?
- Should I trim my hair because of the nape issue I described?
- Is wearing bangs (since mine are relaxed) considered "non-protective"?
- If I change protective styles from day to day...braidout (starting with straight & dry not wet hair) going to a bun...is that considered excessive manipulation?
- Does/did anyone wash more than weekly with shampoo in order to get their regimine down?

i don't have pics yet, who knew it would take dell this long to send my christmas camera :(

-If you straighten your hair weekly, there is an extremely high likelihood that your hair will become heat damaged over time. Evaluate what you want in your natural hair. If you have an affinity toward straight hair and don't mind the altered, kinky straight texture from constant heat styling, then cool. However, if you like styles that play up the texture of your hair then you may be disappointed.

Excessive heat and chemicals damage your hair, period. However, In my personal experience, my hair was more ravaged by chemicals than by heat styling. When i was relaxed, my hair became thinner and lackluster in various ways. When i was pressing my natural hair straight (for years), my hair was not breaking/shedding, it had body to it, was shiny, and just plain looked healthier than the relaxed hair...but it was still damaged because the majority of it was literally burned straight and would not revert to its natural texture.

Both heat styling and chemicals damage your hair, but heat styled natural hair *appears* healthier than relaxed hair imo. Regardless, i would not recommend that you heat style your natural hair weekly. Twice a month was enough for my hair to become fried straight.
- In your experience, is straightening natural hair weekly better, worse, or the same as relaxing? When I relaxed in Dec2006 I thought so, but now I don't it matters other than perference and lifestlye. I perfer natural and I haven't worn my hair straight since I bc'ed in May, but there are people on the site that do. I think it's a matter of knowledge and there are naturals on the board that can help.

- Should I trim my hair because of the nape issue I described? IMO trims are for looks only...so it's whatever you want to do.

- Is wearing bangs (since mine are relaxed) considered "non-protective"? I think bangs can be protective styling as long as you're not doing a lot to them i.e. flat ironing, hot curling, etc)

- If I change protective styles from day to day...braidout (starting with straight & dry not wet hair) going to a bun...is that considered excessive manipulation? I wouldn't say it's excessive, but it isn't low manipulation.

- Does/did anyone wash more than weekly with shampoo in order to get their regimine down? I rarely use shampoo and am thinking of ditching it altogether and clarifying with baking soda when needed. I started co-washing when I was relaxed and it was good, but now that I'm natural it is awesome.
I'm 4b.

Do curls loosen with more moisture or is it the opposite?

It's the opposite for me and I'm 4B. My hair shrinks even more with moisture. It does look really cute though and feels really soft. S Curl is my drug of choice. My hair is a little past shoulder length in the back stretched. But when well moisturized with S Curl, it looks like this:
OT:That's a really nice style Nonie!

OP: Hello Newbie, welcome!!

Congrats on your successful transition. I'm currently transitioning and I find that keeping my hair and especially my new growth properly moisturized is key. I wash twice a week with either a sulfate free or mild sulfate shampoo, and use an applicator bottle to apply moisturizer to my hair in betweeen. If I notice dryness in between shampoos then I'll do a conditioner wash. As far as manipulation goes, just be gentle. You don't have to be a slave to your hair, just treat it like the finest silk or lace and you'll do fine.
It's the opposite for me and I'm 4B. My hair shrinks even more with moisture. It does look really cute though and feels really soft. S Curl is my drug of choice. My hair is a little past shoulder length in the back stretched. But when well moisturized with S Curl, it looks like this:

gorgeous hair style. it looks so good on you.
Straightening the hair will modify the natural curl. You will never really know what your true curl texture is and you may never be able to get cute defined curls. However, if you prefer straight hair and you are not worried about super defined curls and you just want to wear your hair curly every now and than to rest your hair, than I would go with getting it straightened by a really good stylist once a month. That should really be enough. Once it starts to revert, you could put it in a bun with some gel and let it wave up until you get your hair done again.
Ok I'm back! OT, Nonie your hair is beautiful.

I asked the question because I'm reading some mental transition flavor issues in your post. I believe when transitioning over a long period of time to natural hair one should spend time getting to know the new hair. Transitioning is a time for preparation, to try products, see what works doesn't work. To test techniques and practice detangling. And most importantly to see what the natural hair looks like/ feels like. I didn't usebraids or anything because I wanted to know my hair well. And yes I wore roller sets with 3 inch puffy roots. It was obvious what was going on and I didn't care what people thought.

"because I don't yet have the moisture level to achieve the curls I want"

It will take time and experimentation to figure out A. What products will make coils pop and B. If you have any coils at all AKA on that other board as c-napp. You can't experiment if your hair is straightened. Honestly do you really like straight hair better. If so why did you transition. I can see wearing natural hair for a while and then deciding straight is your preference but I don't think you've really given your natural textured hair a change to thrive and show it's beauty. I think your natural hair is a diamond in the rough right now.

As far as straightening, I think that at the place you are now you will damage your hair straightening it every week. There are some people on this board, one in particular who has a great thread on naturals and heat, who straighten often. This lady however as taken much time learning her hair and takes meticulous care of her hair. She developed techniques and uses products to protect her hair. She takes control of her own styling and does let stylists do whatever. SHE IS NOT AN AMATEUR.

I hear more stories of damage with long term frequent pressing. If you get heat damage your undermoisturized hair will break off and you may lose what curl pattern you have. Honestly I think this will likely happen to you given your inexperience with caring for your natural hair.

Natural hair is delicate. It can't just take anything. I know you are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.. I would just focus on finding natural products, conditioning, detangling right now and just wear a puff. I don't know if you are a member of NP but they have a nice styles technique section and a sticky section that you might want to read. I'm not anti-straightening but you really have to be careful. I don't want all that pretty hair to go down the drain.

OK whew! This may be my longest post ever. See why I couldn't type it at 1am. I'm sure others have said similar things I just want to give my honest opinion. Please update and let us know how you are managing....and congratulations on becoming natural!
ETA: Bangs wearing them out is ok but you need to let them transition now like the rest of your hair.
Daily braidouts. That is a lot of manipulation but you'll just have to try and see. It may work fine for you.
Twists every 1-2 weeks better protective style but you may not feel like do that. Right now I'm just feeling too lazy to twist. I'm not wearing protective styles but I do baggy at night.

It's the opposite for me and I'm 4B. My hair shrinks even more with moisture. It does look really cute though and feels really soft. S Curl is my drug of choice. My hair is a little past shoulder length in the back stretched. But when well moisturized with S Curl, it looks like this:

Nonie, your hair is very cute! I am trying to make that transition and i've come to love S Curl too. What an awesome discovery and its something I would have never tried had I not been on LHCF. Your style gives me an idea to braid up my front in kinky twists until the relaxed hair grows out long enough. Then I can experiment with my natural hair and products more.

OT:That's a really nice style Nonie!

OP: Hello Newbie, welcome!!

Congrats on your successful transition. I'm currently transitioning and I find that keeping my hair and especially my new growth properly moisturized is key. I wash twice a week with either a sulfate free or mild sulfate shampoo, and use an applicator bottle to apply moisturizer to my hair in between. If I notice dryness in between shampoos then I'll do a conditioner wash. As far as manipulation goes, just be gentle. You don't have to be a slave to your hair, just treat it like the finest silk or lace and you'll do fine.

Thanks for the welcome! I LOVE THE WAY THE NEW GROWTH LOOKS. Honestly, I think having relaxed bangs is making it difficult for me. If it could all be natural I would proably not worry about straightening. Oh well. I'm thinking about braiding up just the front with some kinky weave (not to tight of course). I can get my friend to do it. Do you think that is a lot of manipulation if I get hte front braided losely with kinky twist hair every three weeks or so?

-If you straighten your hair weekly, there is an extremely high likelihood that your hair will become heat damaged over time. Evaluate what you want in your natural hair. If you have an affinity toward straight hair and don't mind the altered, kinky straight texture from constant heat styling, then cool. However, if you like styles that play up the texture of your hair then you may be disappointed.

Excessive heat and chemicals damage your hair, period. However, In my personal experience, my hair was more ravaged by chemicals than by heat styling. When i was relaxed, my hair became thinner and lackluster in various ways. When i was pressing my natural hair straight (for years), my hair was not breaking/shedding, it had body to it, was shiny, and just plain looked healthier than the relaxed hair...but it was still damaged because the majority of it was literally burned straight and would not revert to its natural texture.

Both heat styling and chemicals damage your hair, but heat styled natural hair *appears* healthier than relaxed hair imo. Regardless, i would not recommend that you heat style your natural hair weekly. Twice a month was enough for my hair to become fried straight.

I definitely need to stop heat styling so much and I really want to. Like i said above, its frustrating that my bangs are relaxed since that part is in the front...ya know. I did it for my wedding in July. Anyway...i've been thinking about cutting them short and having a cute little puff in the front to match my puff pony tail. (sounds like a cute look actually, but i'll have to give it more thought). My natural hair, straightened...looks one million times more lucious than my relaxed bangs. Girl!!! I love it.

Will "stretching" cause the same modified curls and my hair not to revert???

Straightening the hair will modify the natural curl. You will never really know what your true curl texture is and you may never be able to get cute defined curls. However, if you prefer straight hair and you are not worried about super defined curls and you just want to wear your hair curly every now and than to rest your hair, than I would go with getting it straightened by a really good stylist once a month. That should really be enough. Once it starts to revert, you could put it in a bun with some gel and let it wave up until you get your hair done again.

This is exactly what I want to do. I'm just not ready to walk in my job and be like hey! here i am. (I hope I don't get too much criticism for that comment. I'm trying to get there y'all, give me some time) So i've made the physical transition to natural and i'm working on the mental transition. It will come. I know me, i have to think my way through it. Buns and other protective styles are okay but the puffs i'm a little doubtful about right now. I agree with what carrie said below, that I need to get used to my hair. Maybe i'll have to do that through straightening given my preference for straight hair and for my job. And then as I get more comfortable with the natural hair and get rid of these dang bangs i'll understand what products work and all that and I can make the transition from straightened natural hair to natural-natural hair. :)

Ok I'm back! OT, Nonie your hair is beautiful.

I asked the question because I'm reading some mental transition flavor issues in your post. I believe when transitioning over a long period of time to natural hair one should spend time getting to know the new hair. Transitioning is a time for preparation, to try products, see what works doesn't work. To test techniques and practice detangling. And most importantly to see what the natural hair looks like/ feels like. I didn't usebraids or anything because I wanted to know my hair well. And yes I wore roller sets with 3 inch puffy roots. It was obvious what was going on and I didn't care what people thought.

"because I don't yet have the moisture level to achieve the curls I want"

It will take time and experimentation to figure out A. What products will make coils pop and B. If you have any coils at all AKA on that other board as c-napp. You can't experiment if your hair is straightened. Honestly do you really like straight hair better. If so why did you transition. I can see wearing natural hair for a while and then deciding straight is your preference but I don't think you've really given your natural textured hair a change to thrive and show it's beauty. I think your natural hair is a diamond in the rough right now.

As far as straightening, I think that at the place you are now you will damage your hair straightening it every week. There are some people on this board, one in particular who has a great thread on naturals and heat, who straighten often. This lady however as taken much time learning her hair and takes meticulous care of her hair. She developed techniques and uses products to protect her hair. She takes control of her own styling and does let stylists do whatever. SHE IS NOT AN AMATEUR.

I hear more stories of damage with long term frequent pressing. If you get heat damage your undermoisturized hair will break off and you may lose what curl pattern you have. Honestly I think this will likely happen to you given your inexperience with caring for your natural hair.

Natural hair is delicate. It can't just take anything. I know you are feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.. I would just focus on finding natural products, conditioning, detangling right now and just wear a puff. I don't know if you are a member of NP but they have a nice styles technique section and a sticky section that you might want to read. I'm not anti-straightening but you really have to be careful. I don't want all that pretty hair to go down the drain.

OK whew! This may be my longest post ever. See why I couldn't type it at 1am. I'm sure others have said similar things I just want to give my honest opinion. Please update and let us know how you are managing....and congratulations on becoming natural!

Carrie!! you must be a psychologist. lol! you read correctly. I am having a mental block about natural hair. Who is the lady who straightens often? I'm going to work toward that puff...I promise ;). After reading your post and others I'm even more happy that I made the transition and continue to transition my bangs. I think my hair is pretty and I don't want it to go down the drain. I just have not been doing the right things for it because I didn't know what to do. I'm so thankful for everyone's help and opinions.
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