Honest opinion to relax or not relax?


New Member
I've been wearing braids for 5 months now and its time to take them down and let my scalp breathe a little. I wanna take them down and do a deep condition and wait a week to relax. I plan on putting EVOO in my realxer and I will do another deep Condition then and there after. I guess my question is: will one week be enough to wait or do I have to do 2+ weeks, I really dont want to because I SUCK at protective styles, however I want stong hair too:perplexed
After being in braids for five months, your hair really needs the recovery time before you relax. Extra protein and extra moisture to strengthen the hair before relaxing will prove to be the most beneficial for your hair.

I'm not yet inthe position, but will be soon - this is what I have learned reading the boards here. Check out the Crown and Glory website - there is great information there about the same issue.

Good luck.
IMO...wait as long as possible. You want your hair to be in tip top shape, and make sure it's been fully detangled & strong before you relax. I would suggest doing at least two washes before relaxing....one where you do a heavy protein, and another the next week with moisture.
DO NOT RELAX. I'm one who goes 5---7 months with braids in my hair.
I waite a month before i relax my hair. I'm telling you do deep con for the next 3 week before you relax.:cool:
I’m a veteran when it comes to braids and I had to learn the hard way. Whenever you take your braids out, always wait 2-4 weeks. I know it seem like a long time but there’s no pt in getting your hair relaxed if it’s been under stress for 5 months.
Did you do 5 months straight? :confused:
Like the ladies have said, protein treatments are vital now and also a few hot oil treatments wouldn’t hurt.
I tend to do a full head baggie the night b4 I wash to ensure proper moisture is in my hair – braids are drying.
I find the best styles at this stage are tight curl roller sets. Lasts about a week and no manipulation. Flat twists or cornrows transition to braid out.
Be patient with your hair or you may regret relaxing too soon.
HTH :)
blue_flower said:
I agree with the other ladies. I would wait 2+ weeks.

:yep: ITA. My hair doesn't really need moisture or protein when I take my braids out as much as it needs to rest.
thanks so much ladies, I figured that all along, I just always look a mess without a relaxer, thanks so much for encouraging me to do whats right! Temilnd it has been 5 months straight!