Honest Assessment


New Member
Ive tried it all, and to know avail, Im not making the progress I think I should be making. My haircare routine is simple, nothing fantasy. My thing is, Im in love with long hair, and it dont look like Im going to ever reach my goal, so Im seriously thinking about getting a cute short cut, and texturizer, and staying that way.
I dont look at this as giving up, but more so being honest with myself. Has anyone else reached this point? Has anyone else made any honest assessment of they goals, and decided to do something different?
Honeycomb! Girl I oughta....:spank: you.

You haven't even been a year out from the bc! If you texturize now and get a cut... you'll be that much further away from your goal. Truthfully... it seems that I read about more people upset with their texturizers than people who are happy with them. Alot of those same folks just wind up transitioning again. I think you should hang in there a little longer. You've made so much progress so far. You hair is really lovely...so much thicker and healthier than when you started. You've had a lot of growth too. Maybe you should try adding a little more protein and exercise into your diet.

Good hair growth takes time... you know that :) . It takes longer to see growth on natural hair too. Maybe you need a style change.... how about braids or a weave for awhile?

Hang in there!
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don't do it really think about it first and just your hair may not show length right away doen't mean there isn't length hiding in the shrinkage. Den1 is transitioning after texturizing and others too, so really try other products, deep conditoning treats,Neutrogena triple moistre NTM, cholesterol mix honey with them, misting etc... before you just give up make sure you're cutting and texturizing for the right reasons or you'll just be right back where you started. hth
If that's what you REALLY want to do, I say go for it...but it doesn't seem like you've given your self time to see what your hair can do after you've BC'd. Don't mistake "honest assessments" for being "impatient" :-D
to me it looks like your making progress, even if you don't see it now, don't worry girl the legnth will creep up on you!
ThursdayGirl said:
Honeycomb! Girl I oughta....:spank: you.

You haven't even been a year out from the bc! If you texturize now and get a cut... you'll be that much further away from your goal. Truthfully... it seems that I read about more people upset with their texturizers than people who are happy with them. Alot of those same folks just wind up transitioning again. I think you should hang in there a little longer. You've made so much progress so far. You hair is really lovely...so much thicker and healthier than when you started. You've had a lot of growth too. Maybe you should try adding a little more protein and exercise into your diet.

Good hair growth takes time... you know that :) . It takes longer to see growth on natural hair too. Maybe you need a style change.... how about braids or a weave for awhile?

Hang in there!

Im going to give it a while before a make any drastic measures. LOL, I Need that spanking :lol:
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Lucia said:
don't do it really think about it first and just your hair may not show length right away doen't mean there isn't length hiding in the shrinkage. Den1 is transitioning after texturizing and others too, so really try other products, deep conditoning treats,Neutrogena triple moistre NTM, cholesterol mix honey with them, misting etc... before you just give up make sure you're cutting and texturizing for the right reasons or you'll just be right back where you started. hth

Thats one thing that has me hesitant also. I scanned my memory banks of all those I could remember complaining about texturizers, and I thought about DEN1 immediately. All that natural hair, and starting over, but hey I dont have that much hair :lol:
so1913 said:
If that's what you REALLY want to do, I say go for it...but it doesn't seem like you've given your self time to see what your hair can do after you've BC'd. Don't mistake "honest assessments" for being "impatient" :-D

Nice advice. I concur
honeycomb719 said:
Thats one thing that has me hesitant also. I scanned my memory banks of all those I could remember complaining about texturizers, and I thought about DEN1 immediately. All that natural hair, and starting over, but hey I dont have that much hair :lol:
LOL!!! my texturizer experience wasn't the best one... i still don't regret it in some ways, as its an experience. I plan to stay natural for life, and adjust my diet so that my hair is healthier this time round. hang on in there, you'll be fine.