Homemade Seamless Combs....


Well-Known Member
I just bought a seamless comb (it appears to be anyway) from Crabtree and Evelyn. I can't remember who recommended but thanks! I love my new comb but I am already worrying about what I would do in the event that it breaks or gets lost........

I know that you can file down the seams on combs you have alread....do you this with a nail file or sandpaper....how do you know when to stop.....please post your method for creating homemade seamless combs in case the unthinkable happens.......
It sounds like you have a great new comb! :up: I have a seamless bone comb that I purchased about a year ago and although I don't have a fear about losing it, I do keep it at home.
I am not sure about how to file down combs to make them seamless, perhaps someone else can make suggestions.
I used an emery board. You know the black ones that have four grains of sandpaper on them. I start w/ the course grain and sand until most of the seam is gone then polish w/ the meduim and smooth grit.

OT: Sareca I LOVE your necklace!

OP: Do you have a link to the seamless comb on the Crabtree & Evelyn website?
starfish79 said:
OT: Sareca I LOVE your necklace!

OP: Do you have a link to the seamless comb on the Crabtree & Evelyn website?

Thanks. It's one of my favorites.
sareca said:
I used an emery board. You know the black ones that have four grains of sandpaper on them. I start w/ the course grain and sand until most of the seam is gone then polish w/ the meduim and smooth grit.


Thanks for posting that great tip!

I have some combs that I loved, but stopped using b/c they had seams on them. Now, I can put them to good use, again.
Tara G. said:
could someone answer my question please...thanks !

A seamless comb is one that doesn't have the seams that you see on plastic combs that sometimes snag your hair. If you do a search on bone combs or seamless combs, those threads may explain it better. I know they have pics at tenderheaded.com and at hairsense.com they sell the bone combs and have pictures too. I think the seamless combs also help to keep breakage to a minimum. Hope this helps. :)
Mom23 said:
A seamless comb is one that doesn't have the seams that you see on plastic combs that sometimes snag your hair. If you do a search on bone combs or seamless combs, those threads may explain it better. I know they have pics at tenderheaded.com and at hairsense.com they sell the bone combs and have pictures too. I think the seamless combs also help to keep breakage to a minimum. Hope this helps. :)

thanks...i had a look at the internet before i asked the question...but the pictures they brought up looked like normal combs to me...i will have a look at the websites u have given me...hopefully i will understand then.:perplexed
Tara G. said:
i know this kind of diverts from the topic...but what is a seamless comb??

Tara G. said:
could someone answer my question please...thanks !

A seamless comb pretty much looks like an ordinary comb, but it does not have sharp edges (seams) between the teeth that can damage your hair. HTH :)
Mestiza said:
Thanks for posting that great tip!

I have some combs that I loved, but stopped using b/c they had seams on them. Now, I can put them to good use, again.

My favorite comb had a nice big handle, flexible plastic very wide teeth and a huge sharp seam. I tried to replace it w/ bone combs and wood combs but... :naughty: wasn't happening. I was thrilled to have my favorite comb back. I still have the others, but I never use them.
sareca said:
My favorite comb had a nice big handle, flexible plastic very wide teeth and a huge sharp seam. I tried to replace it w/ bone combs and wood combs but... :naughty: wasn't happening. I was thrilled to have my favorite comb back. I still have the others, but I never use them.

I have a comb that is just like the one that you described and I was so sad when I had to stop using it.
I still look at it and reminisce. I've had it for a couple of years and haven't used it in ages.

I thought about you today when I bought some sandpaper. They only had medium so that's what I got. :ohwell: I hope that it works for me b/c I miss that comb.