Homemade Hydrating Hair Mask


New Member
I was surfing the web and found this hydrating mask recipe. I definitely intend on giving this one a try!

1/4 Cup Plain Organic Yogurt
1/4 Cup Mayo
1 Egg White

Whip the egg white until it is frothy, and then add the mayo and yogurt. Apply the mixture to wet hair, cover with a shower cap, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair in the shower, then wash with a mild shampoo (I would prefer a sulfate free shampoo). Whip up a new mask mixture and apply it to the hair every week, or as needed.

This mask sounds like it would be perfect for the winter season.:grin: I found it when I was looking for a solution for dry, brittle hair.

I'll check back in once I've tried it, and I would love to hear from anyone else who does.:yep:

Thanks for the info! I want to try this also. Do you know, are any of these ingredients considered protein?
The yogurt and egg whites are both rich in protein (especially greek yogurt)...I'm not too sure about the mayo.

Protein definitely isn't for everyone. So if your hair is protein sensitive, I wouldn't recommend using this mask.
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Ooooh this sounds like a heavy protein treat for my hair! I usually use a whole egg but I wonder what omitting the yolk will do for my hair? I would also use much less of each ingredient 'cause I don't have a whole bunch of hair yet :)
@discodumpling, there's not a huge difference. I just checked my egg white carton and it contains 5 grams of protein. When I checked my whole egg carton, the protein content was 6 grams.

I wonder if they ommitted the egg yoke because of the cholesterol content...

BTW, when I checked my greek yogurt container the protein content was 23 grams.