Homemade Hair Masks/conditioners.. What do you use???


New Member
I was curious if you any of you dabbled in homemade hair concoctions?? I love to add honey to everything, and its as far as i've gotten as far as being "homemade" lol.. I was looking for ideas for homemade hair masks/conditioner's because once in a while I think my hair deserves a little extra pampering... So do any of you ladies have any recipes you love????
Hi Pretty1008,
You may want to look in the Natural Living forum. I don't have any hair product recipes, but other members have posted their recipes there. HTH
The Caramel Treatment
i use this in my daughter hair. I use it more like a prepoo.
Honey – 6 tablespoons
Olive Oil – 6 tablespoons
Bananas – 2-3 overripe and very soft
Molasses (Treacle) – 3 tablespoons
Water – 4-6 tablespoons
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 tablespoon
Cornstarch – 1-2 tablespoons depending on how thick you want the mixture to be
Wheat germ oil – 1 teaspoon – This can be substituted for any other natural oil of your choice

• Place all the ingredients except for the water into a blender and process until smooth. You may need to add the water bit by bit if it looks too dry.
• To ensure that there are no bits of banana in the mixture, sieve it through a fine sieve.
• Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put it on a medium heat while stirring constantly. You don’t want to ‘cook’ the mixture but you want the cornstarch to cause it to thicken and this will take just moments. You may need to add more water to thin it down if it gets too thick or add a bit more cornstarch if it is still too runny. You want to end up with a caramel coloured mixture that is the consistency of a thick batter. If the mixture is too thin it will start dripping from your hair as soon as you apply it.

ps this isnt my recipe
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I take 2 -3 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil and use as a hot oil steam treatment. Apply to wet or dry hair and cover your hair with a steamy towel. Cover your head with a conditioning cap for 15-20 min. If the towel gets cold, you can reheat the towel in the microwave.