Homemade Growth aid


New Member
While I was away, I was thinking, why dont I mixed all the goods? Protein, aloe vera, Liquid MSM (sulphur), rosemary (or some other stimulant). Think that could work?

Most growth aids i know have proteins, sulphur, or stimulants. Anyone ever made their own NATURAL forumula? (Other than moe grow, bee mine, etc).

Im itching to make my own and try it :look:

What about keratin oil? Results?
I say explore away, usually when a lightbulb hits me i act on it and majority of the times i am pleased with the results. I've made many concotions and i'm happy with most of them. I also write down what i put in my mix so that if it works i can always try it again.

I say go for it, you may even surpise youself with a wonderful new growth aid:yep: