Homemade All-Natural DEEP CONDITIONER??


Well-Known Member
Does anyone DC with a homemade all-natural mix? No commercial conditioners added? A moisturizing DC (I've seen a lot of protein ones)? If so, what's your mix and how is it working for you?

TIA! I'd really appreciate it.
just thinking of what i have in my kitchen... i'm thinking of tossing some coconut milk, honey, glycerin, SAA, and molasses together and letting it sit on my hair for a spell.
I use coconut milk with honey and olive oil. The coconut milk is like a light protein and light moisturizer in one. Honey is a moisturizer and we know about olive oil. I also heard that shea butter is a natural conditioner. I use it mostly on wet hair when styling though. I sometimes just use honey and olive oil with a little aloe when I feel the need for moisture only...you know as far as a DC.

ETA~ Just read thread. I also use molasses...Poookie is a girl after my own heart!
I use coconut milk with honey and olive oil. The coconut milk is like a light protein and light moisturizer in one. Honey is a moisturizer and we know about olive oil. I also heard that shea butter is a natural conditioner. I use it mostly on wet hair when styling though. I sometimes just use honey and olive oil with a little aloe when I feel the need for moisture only...you know as far as a DC.

ETA~ Just read thread. I also use molasses...Poookie is a girl after my own heart!

Hey girl!

Okay, this is more like it. ::Taking notes:: Thanks!
I do happen to use a commerical condish with my DC, but by eliminating it and adding a butter in its place, I'd have:

greek yogurt
cream honey
agave nectar
olive oil
castor oil

and I'd add shea, avocado, red palm, or olive butter to replace my conditioner.

Sometimes I add sodium lactate, honeyquat, or silk amino acids.
I do happen to use a commerical condish with my DC, but by eliminating it and adding a butter in its place, I'd have:

greek yogurt
cream honey
agave nectar
olive oil
castor oil

and I'd add shea, avocado, red palm, or olive butter to replace my conditioner.

Sometimes I add sodium lactate, honeyquat, or silk amino acids.

hi there,

do you mind me asking where you purchase your cream honey from? also, how much of each do you use in your mixture?

Does anyone DC with a homemade all-natural mix? No commercial conditioners added? A moisturizing DC (I've seen a lot of protein ones)? If so, what's your mix and how is it working for you?

TIA! I'd really appreciate it.
here goes:
coconut oil-nourishing (one of the few oils that penetrate the hair shaft)
peppermint eo-stimulation
aloe vera-protein/moisture
I use this mixture with heat for about 30 minutes.. works great
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I have made one using goat milk yogurt, honey, whey protein powder, olive oil, pureed banana, aloe vera.
Do homemade conditioner penetrate the hair?
I've always wondered about that....
I use coconut oil and molassas, sometimes I add oils, SAA and honeyquat, but most of the time I don't b/c the coconut milk works well alone.
hi there,

do you mind me asking where you purchase your cream honey from? also, how much of each do you use in your mixture?


I get the creamed honey from Trader Joes. I don't measure :look: I use heaping table spoons of molasses, honey, yogurt, castor, and olive oil. I use a bowl that I know when full will coat all my hair.
great thread. i'm not much of a homemade product girl but these recipes look scrumptious! i'mma hafta go grocery shoppin!
Homemade DC for MOISTURE: ripe avacado + honey/molasses + glycerin + oil = super moisture

Homemade DC for PROTEIN: mayonaise + 1 whole egg = super strong, super shine
Does these homemade conditioner actually penentrate the hair as well as commercial conditioner??????
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i use one egg--mayo--avacado and glycerin---sometimes i add honey---

Homemade DC for MOISTURE: ripe avacado + honey/molasses + glycerin + oil = super moisture

Homemade DC for PROTEIN: mayonaise + 1 whole egg = super strong, super shine
Does these homemade conditioner actually penentrate the hair as well as commercial conditioner??????
They can... I chose the ingredients I use for that specific purpose... i.e coconut oil being one of the very few oils that actually penetrate the hair shaft... but I do use my conditioner with heat to help promote penetration... I mean who really needs fake fragrance, artificial color and parabens to penetrate the hair???
They can... I chose the ingredients I use for that specific purpose... i.e coconut oil being one of the very few oils that actually penetrate the hair shaft... but I do use my conditioner with heat to help promote penetration... I mean who really needs fake fragrance, artificial color and parabens to penetrate the hair???

True. Part of the reason why I want to mix my own DC.
They can... I chose the ingredients I use for that specific purpose... i.e coconut oil being one of the very few oils that actually penetrate the hair shaft... but I do use my conditioner with heat to help promote penetration... I mean who really needs fake fragrance, artificial color and parabens to penetrate the hair???
Well I need to find a heating cap and then purposefully choose ingredients that penetrate the hair..thanks!
I usually use organic conditioner, no parabens.petroleum, mineral oil or that other stuff, however I am going broke:ohwell: so these homemade conditioners will really help out.