Home touch-up or Salon touch-up


New Member
Hey ladies,

Do most of you do your own touch-ups/have friend do them or get them done at a salon? Wondering how to go on this one since I'm trying to take the best care of my hair; should I have touch-ups professionally done and then maintain my hair at home until the next one or is it safe to continue to do them myself?

Note: I was trained on relaxer application, so I do know how to do it properly.

Just curious to know what everyone else is doing!
I have my hairdresser do it because a. I don't trust myself to handle such a critical procedure. b. she does an excellent job.

I'd recommend a pro do it but the key is to find a GOOD one as I've heard so many horror stories of stylists ruining touch ups. On the other hand though, there are those who do it themselves. It depends on how confident, knowledgable and sure you are with doing it yourself.

For me. I'd be crap so I don't even go there
Definitely salon touch-ups. When the moneys really low, I'll have my cousin do the touch up, but she still has that "no-lye mentality" saying "I can't believe you're using a lye relaxer. Ewww, I couldn't use those, they tear my scalp up!" So I have to listen to that the whole time she's relaxing my hair. Maybe one day she'll have an open mind and listen to why I use lye as opposed to no-lye. Oh well.

I've never been able to do my own relaxers successfully. They've always ended with breakage in the nape area. Always.
Thanks brownrelaxedhair, Allandra, butterscotch and JenJen2721! I was curious to see how many of u get it done professionally. I really haven't had any home touch up horror stories (been trained), just doing the new and improved hair thang and love all the info., advise and direction of u ladies.

Thanks so much
My touch ups are done by a professional but I maintain my hair at home. I've always been too scared to perm my own hair. Scared of under and/or over processing my hair which will eventually lead to breakage.
I get my touch ups done at the salon. And I maintain my hair at home, I try to go to the hairdresser every four weeks inbetween, so that I can have someone else's opinion on how my hair is doing. HTH
Hi Chynnadoll

I do everything myself, from touchups to cuts. I haven't had any formal training... besides 13 or so yrs experience
Hey Peachtree,

Hallelujah! U know u are my #1 inspiration, so I'm feeling u when u say everything is done by UUU!!!! Once again, I was just curious who was doing what. But sometimes I want someone else to run their hands through my hair though, if u know what I mean!!
It just feels so nice!

Anywho, thanks for the info. Have a blessed weekend.

Shine on, Chynnadoll425
I go to a salon, but in the past, my mom used to do my hair and it always came out good. When I went away to college, one of my suitemates did it..She did a good job..Only thing is, back then I used a no-lye perm which was taking my hair out. I've also had close friends do my hair at home without any problems when I switched to lye. It all depends on the person and how they take care of their hair.

In between touch ups, I do my hair at home..

If you know how to do your own touch ups without any problems, then I say go ahead.

Do you have a mirror that you can see the back of your hair in?

My friend used to touch her hair up in the bathroom mirror and has a mirror on the opposite wal so she could see the back of her hair. Just a thought...
I always did my own touch-ups, I did them for years until I recently found out I didn't need relaxers. All that work for nothing!
I do my own touch-ups.
One of two salons here just slap the relaxer on your head, pulling, stretching and not listening to the scalp-burning-crys
The other starts applying it about an inch away from the new growth (!!!!) and ends with a comb through the roots.
Don't know about everyone else but that does nothing for my hair.
So I've learned to do it at home, I'm pretty good and get plenty of practise since my younger sisters heads are constantly in need of something!
I also braid, color, weave and cut!
Can't cut my own hair but my husband is getting pretty good!
I have been doing home touch ups for over a year. I am going to a salon this weekend. I think my at home services have contributed to my lack of hair length.