Holy crap!


New Member
I just counted weeks for how long I have been stretching!
By the time I reach my target week in December to relax I will be 24 weeks post . No wonder I had a hard time detangling my hair.
I will make sure I take good pics of my new growth with my camera and my S/O's (his is way better than mines lol)

This stretch is all natural I did 1 week of my mtg mix but it made my new growth look dusty to me so I stopped using it.
I also figured I could stretch longer with out growth aides.
I wasn't even trying to go 6 months. I just set a target week and kept that in mind.

By the way I will not be stretching this long again lol.
Next year my relaxers will be every 12 weeks.

This was just an observation.

Excuse me while I have my moment of geeking :spinning:

Thanks LHCF! I really could not have done this with out you!
Wow, you probably have about 3-6 inches of NG. How did you stretch that long? Was it very difficult. Currently I relax my hair every three months. At first it was hard, but as my hair grows it gets easier and easier. I was planning on stretching to six months this time, but I realized that it would be too difficult to do that. Did you experience a lot of breakage stretching that long?
I did it with buns, co washing, weekly deep conditioning and oil rinsing.
Also 2 strand twists without extensions and now plaits.

Only on special occasions did I wear a different style. Which was not often lol.
Wow, that's a long time! I'll bet when you relax, the results are gonna be DRASTIC :yep: good for you!
what about your edges and nape area? I'm currently 8 weeks post I'm not stretching on purpose I just haven't had the time or wanted to spend the money to go get a relaxer, but I have to go asap because my kitchen is out of control! :lachen:
I would love to stretch 6 months at least once during my long hair journey. I think it's great you lasted so long. I may aim for next year Jun-Dec we'll see.
what about your edges and nape area? I'm currently 8 weeks post I'm not stretching on purpose I just haven't had the time or wanted to spend the money to go get a relaxer, but I have to go asap because my kitchen is out of control! :lachen:

When I was bunning I did the scarf method which helped a lot.
I also used fantasia ic sparkle lites gel.

Now with the plaits I redo my edges which still look a little frizzy (which you just gave me and idea to dab a little gel on them the next time I redo them) but to fight the frizzy I bought some cute hair scarf's from target.

I took a pic of my hair in one other day that i'll be adding to my fotki when I open it up once I relax and for the end of boot camp.
I would love to stretch 6 months at least once during my long hair journey. I think it's great you lasted so long. I may aim for next year Jun-Dec we'll see.

Cool. I hope you stretch also.
Trust me it was'nt easy. If it was'nt for these plaits I would have relaxed last month lol.