Hoe do you Moisturize your hair after it's Air Dried?


New Member
I'm at a very good place with my hair right now.. I'm rocking a sort of over-the-eye "Pin-Up" look so I can flip up my hair now that it's at the length where it flips up at my shoulder, incidentally the same length which in the past I would have CUT my hair because I hate when it flips up like that, but now I'm trying to embrace it.

One thing I hear a lot of ladies on the board speak about is MOISTURE, keeping the Hair Moisturized.

How do I accomplish this once I've air dried my hair? I 'll usually Air Dry in a Wavy style, then the next day I de-tangle with my fingers and set with Caruso Stem rollers.. But once I get past this point is where I get into trouble.

I keep if off my shoulders in protective styles, but what products can moisturize my hair without leaving it weighed down or greasy??
I moisturise and seal my hair throughly before my hair dries and I especially moisturise my ends and seal twice a day.
On days that I am not washing my hair (5 days out of seven), I use a spray moisturiser/leave in conditioner on the roots and hair shaft, and still moisturise and seal my ends.
I also baggy every night to keep moisture in because my hair would be DRY AS H3LL without it.
From your thread title, I thought that someone said, to you, "Hoe, do you moisturize your hair after it's airdried?" :look: :lachen: Then, I thought that you were going to tell us that you gave them a piece of your mind.

I was getting ready to read a story about some chick that called you out your name, "Hoe, your ish is dry....don't you ever moisturize that haystack?!" And then you knocked her *** out.
Yep, I was getting ready to read some crazy drama like that. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I moisturize before airdrying my hair and I keep my ends moisturized daily (I use Constant Care for Ends). If I feel I need more moisture, I'll apply just a little of my Humectress or Humectin over all of my hair. It can also be used as a hairdress on dried hair. :)