Hmmmm....still examining the cause of my setbacks


New Member
So, the last time I was on here, I was revealing a revelation that I think stretching was the culprit for my setback early last spring. Lately, I've thought that braidouts may also be the enemy. I've reduced my last two stretches to every 2 months instead of 3 or 4 and still had some issues with damaged ends. Not as bad, but still there while doing braidouts for the last half of my stretches.

I think the braidouts may be contributors to the damage also. However, I'm also wondering if me changing the frequency of my deep conditioning may be the REAL an issue. See, about a year ago, when my hair was thriving and I was approaching APL, received daily compliments on my hair, I was deep conditioning twice a week and stretching no less than 3 months. I had to reduce the DC frequency due to work, but now I'm thinking the braidouts and stretching back then didn't cause much damage and I was seeing significant growth, because I was deep conditioning my hair more often (I think this helps with new growth and keeping it moisturized and soft). I'm thinking that for me, stretching for 3+ months and braidouts only benefit me when I DC at least twice a week.

Hmmm....just thinking out loud. Let me know if you have any thoughts on the matter. Seriously planning to go back to 3 month stretches starting in the new year. I also haven't done a length check in six months. Was planning to wait until December, but may wait until this spring.
u went thru the exact same thing i went thru the beginning of the year. My stretching..and lack of DC'ing...along with lack of protein broke my hair off something terrible. Ever since i realized that i've been keeping up with protein and DC. Make sure you don't skip on that protein tho. DC'ing is great...but with those textures that protein is needed
Seems like frequent DCing is your hair's best friend. Your hair looked fuller and overall healthier.

Maybe you can incorporate overnight DCs in order to work within your schedule.
Try and DC more. DCing doesn't have to be neglected, you can do it overnight, over a few hours in the evening while doing other things etc.

Also it is very vital that there is a balance between moisture and protein. So if your hair isn't protein sensitive, you can DC with proteins as well.
I know my setback started showing in June of 2008. I over looked it entirely because my hair had grown back with a MN combo(after being cut into a TWA). I had mixed the monostat with blue magic grease at that time oiled my scalp and put my wig on. In June 2008 I noticed some breakage in my crown area but said it will be ok. By Jan of this year I had a area as long as my hand of snapped off broken hair. It was to short to braid.
During that time i kept up with the monostat treatments. I had completely stopped doing any thing else to my hair just puttin on my wig and going. By now the wig was not a choice it was a must!
Jan 28,2011 I recommited myself to my hair I started DCing on the regular, still using the monstat combo and my wig. The crown of my head no longer looks like the Mississippi River on a map. The hair in that area has grown to about two inches.
When we find something that works we need to let it work.
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How often are you getting you hair trimmed? Are you wearing braid outs exclusively?

I trim my hair about every three or four months. Normally after I relax. I do not wear braidouts exclusively. I was wearing braidouts during the last month to six weeks of my stretch, when wearing it straight no longer works.
Since lengthening your stretching, have you changed anything else other than less DC'ing?

When I lengthened my stretches (didn't stretch this past summer, but planning to start again after my next relaxer), I realized that my schedule at work changed shortly thereafter and I no longer DC'ed twice a week. My plans this time around is to DC once a week and at LEAST cowash once a week (DC if time allows). I start the braidouts at about six weeks into my stretch when the new growth is no longer manageable with straight hair.
When I lengthened my stretches (didn't stretch this past summer, but planning to start again after my next relaxer), I realized that my schedule at work changed shortly thereafter and I no longer DC'ed twice a week. My plans this time around is to DC once a week and at LEAST cowash once a week (DC if time allows). I start the braidouts at about six weeks into my stretch when the new growth is no longer manageable with straight hair.

I caution you to be careful and keep an eye on your hair. We are in the same boat and I have been examining my hair as well trying to figure out what caused my hair to get thinner. I did a thorough examination of my hair about a month ago in small sections. Low and behold I discovered that there is breakaage all throughout my hair that I was not aware of. I have all different lengths:sad: due to breakage....2, 4, 6, 8 inches. You name it. Stretched, my hair is about 2 inches from bra strap. I think all of the breakage is at the demarcation lines from each stretch. I just know that when i stretch regardless of how gentle I am with my hair, I lose a good bit from detangling to rollerset it. I want to continue stretching to 12 weeks, but I am not sure it that is a good idea since this past weekend at 10 weeks i lost more hair that I wanted to. 2012 will bring about serious changes with hair....NO DOUBT.
I caution you to be careful and keep an eye on your hair. We are in the same boat and I have been examining my hair as well trying to figure out what caused my hair to get thinner. I did a thorough examination of my hair about a month ago in small sections. Low and behold I discovered that there is breakaage all throughout my hair that I was not aware of. I have all different lengths:sad: due to breakage....2, 4, 6, 8 inches. You name it. Stretched, my hair is about 2 inches from bra strap. I think all of the breakage is at the demarcation lines from each stretch. I just know that when i stretch regardless of how gentle I am with my hair, I lose a good bit from detangling to rollerset it. I want to continue stretching to 12 weeks, but I am not sure it that is a good idea since this past weekend at 10 weeks i lost more hair that I wanted to. 2012 will bring about serious changes with hair....NO DOUBT.

Thank you for the word of caution. I will be watching my hair closely. I've learned my lesson.