Hmm MSM Powder vs Liquid


New Member
When I first heard about MSM I did some research and found that people were reporting that the powder was by far more effective than most capsules. So when I decided to try it I purchased the Carlson's brand MSM. Problem was -- it was soooo bitter! I would have to choke it down in a shot and then chug chocolate milk to get it down. It ruined all my protein shakes, and made orange juice taste horrible. I got great results though - it even softened my texture.

I was at Basha's the other day and noticed that they sell a liquid pure MSM supplement. I was wondering if

a: anyone had tried it
b: what does it taste like?

I'm now taking the Dr.'s Best bio-available capsules but they aren't quite as effective as the powder -- they just taste a whole heck of alot better!
:scratchch I've never heard of MSM liquid. Bumping...

It probably tastes bitter too, though. Try mixing it with pomegranate juice.
Sorry, never tried the liquid either. Sounds interesting. I take my MSM with Biosil and cranberry juice--cuts the bitter taste down considerably.
hmm..I never tried it in cranberry juice. I'm willing to try to liquid - esp since it's so readily available. I wonder if they have any flavored kinds...?Although I tried flavored fish oil a few times and it just tasted like someone had beat an orange to death with a fish. NOT good. :lachen: