
Nappy and Happy
So like the title says, I'm thinking of chopping off my hair and I need opinions on whether that's the way to go. Now before you ladies drop your two cents, please read what I have to say first (I also encourage you to check out my album)

Okay, so, about 3 years ago, I permed my hair after I had kept in braids for nearly two years. My hair was very healthy then, but I had NO idea how to care for it. I would perm and cut my hair every 4-6 weeks, I'd use hot irons almost daily and I hardly ever moisturized. As a result the thick, healthy hair I'd grown from keeping it in braids grew weak and started breaking off.

Fast-forward to one year ago. I found LHCF! The skies parted and a voice said unto me, "Crystal, you hair is busted." So I began doing my best to take care of my hair and change my abusive ways.

Fast-forward again to the present, October 2005. My hair is STILL breaking. It's not breaking as much as it used to, but it's still more than anything I'd consider normal breakage (if there is a such thing). I cannot touch my hair without pulling strands upon strands of hair away from my head. Especially when I'm washing my hair, I can pull handfuls of hair out. I've been doing protein treatments on and off for a year to no avail. It's just break-break-break.

Right now, my hair is two different textures. There's the older overprocessed portion that is ALWAYS bone straight no matter what, and then there's the newer texturized, frizzier portion of my hair which is made up of the hair that's not-so-straight when it's wet because of all the stretching I've done.

My question is, should I chop off the overprocessed part? Not ALL of the "straighter" portions are breaking. So I'm wondering if I'm being reckless in wanting to cut it off, but I feel that cutting it will be better for my hair AND for my piece of mind (it's so frustrating to have to sweep so much hair off the floor of your bathroom).

As you can see, I am SOOO conflicted. I'm pleased with the progress I've made and the growth I've obtained, but what good is growth when 60% of your hair is snapping off?

I'm worried that I'm just being impatient and my WILL improve over time if I continue to care for it, but then there's the part of me that thinks I just need to cut my losses LITERALLY. Please give me your honest gut responses. TIA :)
misscrystal said:
The skies parted and a voice said unto me, "Crystal, you hair is busted."

ROFLMAO! Ok, if I were you I would cut it down to the texturized part. Then it will be much easier to comb without having two textures. And you can wear it cute and curly without having to do something with the straight ends. Now if I could just give this advice to myself...
I also think that you should cut off those overprocessed ends. When they break and split, the damage travels up the hair shaft, which damages your healthier hair. Are you sure all this breakage is coing from the overprocessed ends?

I would like to say that I would have no idea that you had any kind of extreme breakage problems from looking at your album! Your hair looks good!
Cut it to the healthiest length possible. After that you can start a new healthy haircare reg, and watch it grow grow grow grow grow!!!!! You would be surprised at how fast your hair seems to grow after you chop it off. :) Mostly it's because you'll actually be retaining length. I know because after I cut my hair OFF, The next year it was nearly as long as it was BEFORE I cut it and a million times healthier. My hair has been pretty healthy ever since. :grin:
misscrystal said:
So like the title says, I'm thinking of chopping off my hair and I need opinions on whether that's the way to go. Now before you ladies drop your two cents, please read what I have to say first (I also encourage you to check out my album)

Okay, so, about 3 years ago, I permed my hair after I had kept in braids for nearly two years. My hair was very healthy then, but I had NO idea how to care for it. I would perm and cut my hair every 4-6 weeks, I'd use hot irons almost daily and I hardly ever moisturized. As a result the thick, healthy hair I'd grown from keeping it in braids grew weak and started breaking off.

Fast-forward to one year ago. I found LHCF! The skies parted and a voice said unto me, "Crystal, you hair is busted." So I began doing my best to take care of my hair and change my abusive ways.

Fast-forward again to the present, October 2005. My hair is STILL breaking. It's not breaking as much as it used to, but it's still more than anything I'd consider normal breakage (if there is a such thing). I cannot touch my hair without pulling strands upon strands of hair away from my head. Especially when I'm washing my hair, I can pull handfuls of hair out. I've been doing protein treatments on and off for a year to no avail. It's just break-break-break.

Right now, my hair is two different textures. There's the older overprocessed portion that is ALWAYS bone straight no matter what, and then there's the newer texturized, frizzier portion of my hair which is made up of the hair that's not-so-straight when it's wet because of all the stretching I've done.

My question is, should I chop off the overprocessed part? Not ALL of the "straighter" portions are breaking. So I'm wondering if I'm being reckless in wanting to cut it off, but I feel that cutting it will be better for my hair AND for my piece of mind (it's so frustrating to have to sweep so much hair off the floor of your bathroom).

As you can see, I am SOOO conflicted. I'm pleased with the progress I've made and the growth I've obtained, but what good is growth when 60% of your hair is snapping off?

I'm worried that I'm just being impatient and my WILL improve over time if I continue to care for it, but then there's the part of me that thinks I just need to cut my losses LITERALLY. Please give me your honest gut responses. TIA :)

GIRL, you answered your own question! It's not worth keeping length if it's falling out, or breaking off. As you know you will get the length back in time, but I would chop if I were you. Just start fresh. Do braidouts/twistouts to mask the different textures, and start over, or just wrap it, and try not to use too much heat. Did you think about going to the dermatologist, to be sure there isnt' an underlying issue? Whatever you do, we will be here for ya! :)
Well it seems like your hair respond very well to braids. Why don't you give it a rest and start breading it for a while. You will be amzed on how the texture can change in better. You can also cut the breaking part and start over. Hair will grow no matter what. Good luck