Hit a slump


Well-Known Member
Hello to all,

I am seeking prayer because I have been struggling since March with a variety of personal and family issues which have me somewhat overwhelmed and depressed.

My nephew needs your prayers as he lives in Florida and I cannot elaborate but he needs helps . I am so worried about him. My sister died 6 yrs ago and his father is trying to teach him tough love by making him be on his own even though he is only 20 yrs old.

* Not to be vain but I had a mishap back in March with a hair product and my skin lost some of its pigment( allergic reaction) which meant that I had to go back to a dermatologist and be prescribed a steriod cream. I have had to wear makeup everyday to cover the marks until my skin color returns. It has returned about 75% of my skin color but it is not like it was prior to. I did get a refund from the hair company and haven't used it since. ( this is minor but it has affected my self-esteem.)

I am in grad school and it is getting so tough even though I am so close to finishing. I have almost given up because my class is so hard but I can';t afford to fail it, I need to graduate on time hopefully this December.

Also, I am nervous about my job situation because I may be transferred but I have no final word yet, I am grateful to have a job.

Next, my aunt has to go on dialysis and she is only in her 50's she is one of only 2 of my aunts left. My uncle just died a few months ago from complications with dialysis.

I want to be an example of a Christian for others and be a witness to others but I feel really discouraged right now. I really need your prayers.

I pray you won't let the daily troubles of this world discourage you or affect your relationship with God. It does us good to praise Him in the Storm. While it's good to care for our family members, we can't let their situations bog us down to the point of worrying and feeling overwhelmed. You can only do but so much... lifting them up in prayer is sometimes the best we could do.

I believe that God knows the desires of your heart concerning being an effective witness. A great prayer to meditate on that will help you is the Prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10:

"Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, 'Because I bore him in pain.' And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.' So God granted him what he requested" .

Be blessed, stay encouraged~