His friends or your friends?


Well-Known Member
do you have a preference?



I apologize for the miscommunication.

I've noticed that most couples spend most of their free time with one person's friends more more than the otherr. And/or spend time with one person's family more than the other. It's rarely an equal division of time.

For example, I've noticed that of the Kardashian sisters, Kim is more likely to spend time with her family or involve her SO in her life. Whereas Khloe is more likely to adapt to her SO's life, doesnt mind hanging out with his friend, etc.

Personally I prefer my SO's friends. If we are likely to go somewhere with another couple, it's likely to be his brother or best friend's wife. I guess to me I'm eager to leave and cleave, so I've never thought twice about ditching my own family and friends to adapt to my man's....
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His friends. I don't want my man treating my friends. I want all the money for myself. Plus his friends are funny.
Please explain further. ...

Do you mean if I prefer my own friends or his friends?
Of course I prefer my own friends?

I apologize for the miscommunication.

I've noticed that most couples spend most of their free time with one person's friends more more than the otherr. And/or spend time with one person's family more than the other. It's rarely an equal division of time.

For example, I've noticed that of the Kardashian sisters, Kim is more likely to spend time with her family or involve her SO in her life. Whereas Khloe is more likely to adapt to her SO's life, doesnt mind hanging out with his friend, etc.

Personally I prefer my SO's friends. If we are likely to go somewhere with another couple, it's likely to be his brother or best friend's wife. I guess to me I'm eager to leave and cleave, so I've never thought twice about ditching my own family and friends to adapt to my man's....
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In my current relationship, I spend more time with him and his family (they invite me everywhere) then we spend time together, then we spend time with my family.

My preference is that he spends time with my family and I. I don't particularly like leaving my comfort zone.
With me and DH, we literally have the same friends. There isn't anyone that he is friends with and I am not. And vice versa. Before we got married, we were in the same social circle.

Now for family, I would rather be around his. My family is...drama :nono: They always want to bring up my past and old relationships. I just can't with them. I can only do small doses of them at a time. I love his family. They are so loving and fun.
Hmmm no preference when it comes to family. He feels a bit intimidated by my family (Jamaicans) tho while I'm right at home in his, lovely lovely people (AA)

As far as friends, definitely prefer his. Way more fun, always ready to party. :lol:
It's not either or for me. We spend time with my friends sometimes. I get on with his friends and family also so we spend time with them too.

Ditching my people is not something I've ever considered.
I definitely prefer my family over his. Friends, it depends. If I want to have intelligent conversations and just relax a little bit after work, mine. If I want to let loose a little more and watch a fight or play video games, his.
Maybe it's just me but I find my friends and most women boring. :look:

I think this is slightly related to the reason I've never had interest in bridesmaids. I enjoy friends and people to provide emotional support but I've noticed that any opportunity I have to avoid the women in my life, I will :look:
Maybe it's just me but I find my friends and most women boring. :look:

I think this is slightly related to the reason I've never had interest in bridesmaids. I enjoy friends and people to provide emotional support but I've noticed that any opportunity I have to avoid the women in my life, I will :look:

Does it have to do with the type of attention you like to receive? I notice women who are bored by women often like the attention of men.
My friends are all over the world. By sheer convenience we'd be hanging with his friends, but my s/o has met and hung out with this little circle of former work friends I have and we enjoy that. However....i work with a bunch of a men, so it's just like hanging out with his friends. :look:
Does it have to do with the type of attention you like to receive? I notice women who are bored by women often like the attention of men.

Not really.

I just find most women to be debbie downers. I find myself zoning out when they are talking about their men problems. I also find them too demanding although they bring very little to the table (friendship). It's like "ugh. stop talking to me. I don't want to hear anything you have to say"........

Men are simple. They aren't my friends, they are his friends. I don't have to maintain them. And if there are going to be people in my house, I'd rather they be his people because I'm more likely to get a laugh.
Not really.

I just find most women to be debbie downers. I find myself zoning out when they are talking about their men problems. I also find them too demanding although they bring very little to the table (friendship). It's like "ugh. stop talking to me. I don't want to hear anything you have to say".......

I can def agree to this whether I've been the offender or not.
I prefer hanging out with women than men. I feel like I could relate better so hanging out with his friends, unless it's a double/triple date, no thank you. He doesn't particularly like hanging out with a bunch of women either. He's very much a guy's guy and I'm a girly girl.
I generally like my man's friends over my friends when we are together. Meaning I'm with him and his friend group. I prefer my friends when I'm solo.

I love my crew but they love giving their advice and opinions about men and I don't give a s***. I tune all that out in general. They mean well but they have their own relationship issues. I don't want them creating some in my relationship lol
I prefer hanging out with women than men. I feel like I could relate better so hanging out with his friends, unless it's a double/triple date, no thank you. He doesn't particularly like hanging out with a bunch of women either. He's very much a guy's guy and I'm a girly girl.

I think most women are like this. They like to link up with other women. They like to gossip and meddle in each others lives. And thats the ish I don't like.

Personally I don't relate better to men or women. But unlike my girlfriends, you'd never catch me joining a sorority or in a social club. They seem to love those sorts of things. I think this is why it's such a big deal to them to maintain their girlfriends once getting married, whereas I couldnt wait to get rid of them. :look:
His friends.

Mostly because I'm horrible at making friends and don't have any. I really reeeeaaally like peace and solitude and IME both men and women can be dramatic.

I don't watch tv, hardly ever watch movies or listen to music so there's really nothing to talk about with most people except who they are and why, their goals, failures etc. most people don't wanna talk about that ish.
I prefer mine because I simply have more than he does, but we seldom hang out with my friends or his. Our friends are very different so we don't mix the two. I prefer my family because they are more laid back than dh's, hell even he prefers my family :lol:.
My friends. I don't like hanging out with his friends, cuz I don't like forcing friendships. I really don't like making new friends, period. So it's like I don't know you people and I don't care about you. So I zone out.

He loves hanging with me and my friends. I'd rather he not. I don't see the point in either of us hanging with each other's friends. We each have friends. Go be with them by yourself.

His family. Just because most of his family lives in the area. And they are quite social (have gatherings, etc). But we don't 'hang out' with them. He goes out of obligation and I sometimes accompany him out of pity lol.

He would rather actually 'hang out' with my family (ma and pa). Just cuz my mom cooks 100000x better than his parents. And me and my family don't sit around and yell at each other like his lol.
My friends. I don't like hanging out with his friends, cuz I don't like forcing friendships. I really don't like making new friends, period. So it's like I don't know you people and I don't care about you. So I zone out.

He loves hanging with me and my friends. I'd rather he not. I don't see the point in either of us hanging with each other's friends. We each have friends. Go be with them by yourself.

His family. Just because most of his family lives in the area. And they are quite social (have gatherings, etc). But we don't 'hang out' with them. He goes out of obligation and I sometimes accompany him out of pity lol.

He would rather actually 'hang out' with my family (ma and pa). Just cuz my mom cooks 100000x better than his parents. And me and my family don't sit around and yell at each other like his lol.

Isn't he white?

What kinda white man did you find? :spinning::lol:
Personally I don't relate better to men or women.But unlike my girlfriends, you'd never catch mejoining a sorority or in a social club. They seem to love those sorts of things. I think this is why it's such a big deal to them to maintain their girlfriends once getting married, whereas I couldnt wait to get rid of them. :look:

The bold describes my friends and I exactly :lol:

We don't really meddle in each others relationships. Last time I needed guy relationship advice, my friend asked her husband for me.
Yea he is. What do you mean? Lol I thought there was a known stereotype that a certain 'type ' of white family is always yelling. You know, the kids yell at the parents to STFU and then the parents start yelling at each other. And then everyone is yelling and cursing at each other. That's SO's family lol.

I remember the first time I went over there for dinner. They were literally screaming and cursing at each other about who's gonna empty the litter box. Which was in the kitchen of course lol. Cuz they're white :lol:
They're solidly middle class, upwardly mobile in terms of careers, suburban white people. But they're antics frequently remind me of white trash :lol:
i like his family a lot but i'd much rather be with mine. all his family does is argue and nitpick. we were in chicago this summer and his mom made a comment about the materials a certain building was made of. his brother jumps on her and claims the building was made of something else and then my bf and his dad jump in and now everyone in the car except me is arguing about the architecture of downtown chicago for 20 minutes. this happens every.single.time they are together. i can't deal with it.

my fam is super chill and laid back. we like to laugh and talk ****. ya know, like, enjoy each others company.

all of my friends are back home so when we do hang out with friends they are usually his college buddies. i always have a blast with them because we party so hard. however, i can't say i would prefer them over mine own. i like mine and his for different reasons.
Neither of us really have too many friends. DH and I are like an island, we mostly just hang out with each other. Even when we do hang out with other couples, which isn't often, it's usually family.

I have no family in the area so we only see mine every so often. We don't hang out with his family but they do have get togethers every couple of months or so and we go to those. Like I said, we're an island. :lachen: