Hide or Pride


Well-Known Member
I am attempting to strech my relaxers 12 weeks or more, depending on how difficult my new growth is to deal with. I am trying to reduce heat, so I normally do not flat iron or blow dry my roots. If you see an inch of new growth, so be it. Is this more harmful than helpful? I normally CW everyday after 8 to 9 weeks and style my hair wet. I'm not seeing more than normal shedding but is this weaking my hair. By the way I'm 4a/4b with 3c? at the crown.
If you are not seeing alot of breakage/shedding then I would have to say that this isn't harming your hair. When I stretch my relaxer I don't use heat either.(only when it gets too horrible) I also cowash my hair and I haven't had any problems. By you stretching your relaxers,not using heat, and co-washing... I would have to say that you are helping to make your hair stronger if anything. Hope this helps you in some way

If someone has any other opinions on this matter please help this sister out:p
I am sitting here with wet hair now. Thinking about what I want to do with it. I am trying to stretch out my relaxer and this hard for me. But I see some of you go so long so I know I can do it. I normally go 8 weeks and I am pushing it now just barely over 8 weeks.

Since yours is not breaking I really dont think you are doing any harm. But again, I haven't gone over 8 weeks before. I will watch to see what other replies get. Sorry I coudn't be that much help to you.