Hi! .:waving:.


Active Member
So I've been a member of the forum for quite some time now... a few years I guess?? I spend a LOT of time perusing and searching things... I find myself using LHCF like Google! And that is that truth! lol, this is honestly my favorite website, it's been a tremendous blessing to me. I just wanted to formally introduce myself to you ladies and maybe actually start contributing?? lol, I am a bit shy honestly. What sparked my hello is that I am going through a difficult time and I could use a prayer or two. And from a lot of the contributions around here, I know there are some prayer warriors on this board. I have "thanked" a few posts and commented on a few here and there... but anyways hi! And thanks in advance.
songbird8 Whatever your going through know without a shadow of a doubt our God is bigger then any situation. I know it sounds so cliche and played but you have to firmly believe that in order to weather the storm. Hope whatever it is you will be in peace and just gleam as much as you can from the situation and walk in confidence God has this.
songbird8 So glad you posted, you are right, this forum is awesome!!

There is also a Prayer call on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm hosted by Shimmie
I have been so blessed since I started participating with those calls!
http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=580975 - Prayer Request line, Thursday nights at 9:00 pm

There is a prayer request thread.

AtlantaJJ thank u so much! I think I may try to call in Thursday and sub to the thread!


God has not forgotten what He promised you. It's still a promise being fulfilled for you.
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