HI!!!!! Newbie Wants to Say Hello!!!


New Member
Helloooooooo everyone!!!! I just wanted to introduce myself by saying "hii"
After many months of lurking, I just had to join so I could say thank you thank you thank you. Me and my hair thank you so much! I have learned so many valuable tips, ideas and suggestions from you ladies, and I am forever grateful! I especially love the warm and supportive vibe that you provide one another. It's really cool and makes me feel welcome :) .

Well, I'm still learning how to navigate this forum, but once I get the hang of it, I will definitely post pics and more info about me. I look forward to getting to know everybody and being a part of the hair journey!!!! :yay:

There is a lot of support here. :D You can always PM anyone if you don't want to start a thread or have a question for a specific person.

I wish you a prosporous year of healthy hair growing. :)
welcome :). I also was a lurker for many months but it was great when I finally subscribed. I'm too embarassed by the state of my hair right now to share any pics but I will be doing so in a few months. It's finally stopped breaking after two months and really starting to grow nicely. Thanks to the tips of all the wonderful ladies on this site. :D
I am a newbie too and would like to know if there is a starting place here where I can figure out my hair type and understand what all the abreviations are. I really love this site and can't wait to really get posting!:)
stargazer613 said:
Helloooooooo everyone!!!! I just wanted to introduce myself by saying "hii"
After many months of lurking, I just had to join so I could say thank you thank you thank you. Me and my hair thank you so much! I have learned so many valuable tips, ideas and suggestions from you ladies, and I am forever grateful! I especially love the warm and supportive vibe that you provide one another. It's really cool and makes me feel welcome :) .

Well, I'm still learning how to navigate this forum, but once I get the hang of it, I will definitely post pics and more info about me. I look forward to getting to know everybody and being a part of the hair journey!!!! :yay:


YAY!!! More LHCFer's in L.A.

You'll love it here!!!
Hi Stargazer ! Welcome girl ! ( like I've been here for years, HA ! )

I'm new also. You're the one who posted on my thread saying you were new. Glad I could find you. I'll try to add you to my buddy thingie, I'm still learning...GoldenBreeze....How did you know I needed that ??? :grin:
tetbelle said:
Welcome you will have so much fun on this board!

:shocked: Tetbelle, My GOD that is some gorgeous hair ! If my hair was that thick, that manageble looking, and that healthy, I wouldn't give a care about it being long. Plus I looked thru your fotki and your new growth is phenomenal...i think you are more of a 2b in the front and maybe a 3a or 3b in the back...but that is some hella gorgeous stuff on your head ma.

Please give me that hair !!!
Re: HI!!!!! Newbie Wants to Say Hello!!!

Welcome! I'm new too, so we can be new together! Hehe!
Re: HI!!!!! Newbie Wants to Say Hello!!!

tiffers said:
Welcome! I'm new too, so we can be new together! Hehe!

Hi Tiffers and welcome! yes, more newbies in tha house!!!:lol:

by the way, I love your location description, that is too funny