Hi! Newbie needs help!!


New Member
Hi everyone!
I am in the process of transitioning. I have 4b hair and desperately need some advice. When transitioning, is it best to cut off the relaxed ends or could you let the natural hair grow out with the relaxed ends? I think my hair is starting to break/shed (I can't tell which) so should I start using protein treaments?
PLease Help!!!!!!
I chose to do the big chop in June of last year- I went from shoulder length relaxed hair to a tweeny weeny afro wor of natural curls and coils. I love my hair and have never considered going back. It is easier for me this way because i did not have to worry about taking care of two different textures of hair only one. My hair is still pretty much wash or rinse, condition, oil scalp when dry , leave-in conditioner and go. Best of luck to you in making your decision.