Hi Ladies....


Well-Known Member
Just stopping in to say :wavey::wavey::wavey: and :bighug::grouphug3::grouphug3:.
I haven't been on LHCF in a while and I have missed you ladies!!
I also wanted to share the news that my hubby and I are expecting :babyb: or :babyg:!!
This is our first child and my first pregnancy so PLEASE keep us lifted up in prayer!

I hope everyone is having a good week (and praising God for the weekend to come :giggle:)
Hey delitefulmane,

Awww, I'm so happy for you and DH and doubly exited that I'm gonna be a LHCF auntie!:babyb::babyg:

Have fun this Valentines Day weekend...:2inlove::bdance::dinner::love4::kisslips::poledancer:
:bighug: Congratulations to you and Hubby and Baby... I am very happy for you. :love3:

When is your precious baby due? I can't wait to see pictures. I love babies. :love3: