HI Ladies, i have? about NOWFOODS Brewer's Yeast


New Member
HI Ladies, i have? about NOWFOODS Brewer\'s Yeast

I hope everyone is doing fine

I was wondering about the protien content in Nowfoods Brewer's Yeast . is this too much

Nutrition Info
Serving Size: 3 tablets

Servings per container: 166

Calories 3
Total Carbohydrate 660 mg
<font color="blue">PROTEIN 880 mg </font>
Thiamine (as Thiamine HCI) .25 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) .11 mg
Niacin .67 mg
Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) .05 mg
Folic Acid .03 mg

Other Ingredients: Brewer's Yeast powder, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take three tablets three times daily to supply vitamins and minerals, plus other nutritional factors naturally occurring in brewer's yeast.

Warnings: None

Re: HI Ladies, i have? about NOWFOODS Brewer\'s Yeast

I don't know about the normal amounts but the 880mg does jump out at you in comparison to the other numbers you posted. You might want to do a search on this forum for brewer yeast to see if anyone has already posted the amount of protein in other forms of brewers yeast. I used to take Nutritional yeast back in the day.
Re: HI Ladies, i have? about NOWFOODS Brewer\'s Yeast

thanks Spagirl

this is the only brewers yeast that i 've seen that had this much protein and this says to take 3tabs 3x a day

i know that i have read that if you consume large amounts of protein you must exercise and the only exercise i do is....
Re: HI Ladies, i have? about NOWFOODS Brewer\'s Yeast

what exactly does brewers yeast do for the hair; my vet reccomended it for my cat...