Hi I'm new here too!!


New Member
I have been lurking in the hair care bushes for the past month. I am a 3c/4a SL transitioning head. My last relaxer was July 09. I stretched until Mar 10; my stylist did not believe it had been that long so I ended up a texlax. I have now decided to take the plunge to natural. I made that decision after my 2 yr old DD was stroking my relaxed hair saying pretty. However, she began angrily tugging at her hair without a word :nono:. I decided that she needed to understand that all hair is good hair. So I decided to be natural with her. This journey has enabled me to better care for her 4b/4c hair as well. My husband says that I am PJ and a LHCF crack head:lick:..LOL I have always had healthy relaxed hair and I hope to learn to keep my natural hair that way. I am very excited about this journey.

Side Note: You ladies are very kind, respectful, and uplifting to one another. I have been on other sites and that wasn't the case.
Welcome on board and that is great you are becoming natural so you are sharing your 2 yr old journey with her. Interesting at such a tender age she is already aware of the difference and her desire to be just like mommy. HHJ!
Hi and welcome.

My sister-in-law decided to go natural for the same reason. Her daughters were starting to idolise Barbie dolls' hair and made negative comments about their own hair. She is now shoulder length natural and her girls have a new found love of their textue. They say they like that their hair can get straight like the dolls and go back to curly whenever they want.

I too have a daughter, she is only 15 months old but i don't want her growing up hating her hair so i'm glad i'm transitioning.