Hi! I'm Angenoir and you saved my hair!!


Active Member
Hello Ladies!

Hope you had a blessed Christmas!
I am new to the forum though I have been lurking for a few days. I really stumbled across this forum when I was searching the 'net for something completely unrelated.

I am African but right now I live and work in Europe. As you can imagine sometimes it's a real challenge getting my hair well-done here. The truth is a gave up on it and have been putting in weaves and braids almost back to back. Actually in May I went home and had it trimmed almost to two inches - but now its back to about 5.5/6 inches despite not taking care of it much. So I resolved to have it chopped off at the beginning of 2008 because though I wanted long hair I had given up on mine ever growing.

But now I am reading about all these great news and learning ways I can keep my hair relaxed AND healthy AND growing! Wow. I am inspired.

So my hair is just at mid neck level now and I have an ambitious goal to get it to BSL by June 2008.

I need your encouragement and advice.
First Question - should I do away with all the braiding and weaving???

:welcome: You'll love it here at LHCF. I can't answer your question as I've never had braids and only had a very brief experience with weaves, but I'm sure one of the other ladies will have great advice.
IDK about giving up on braids and weaves. I would if there were no other way for me to do my own hair. Are you able to relax your hair yourself?
I would say YES unless you know someone who can put the weave in correct and then maintain it while its in. Some people get weaves and forget about the real hair underneath and when they take it out it's a disaster.

Welcome to the forum...omg there is so much info on here your head might explode but you are bound to find the perfect regimen. Use these tips and achieve your BSL by June 08 girlie!!

Good luck.:drunk:
I say do what's best for your hair.

I gave up weaves and braids because they thinned out my hair.

you will definitely find all you need here on the site.

One advise though I would lower your goal to make it more realistic. even I can't do bsl by june 2008. I would aim for APL or close to it by June.

Good luck chiika and welcom.
if your current length is fine, then leave it. if you have splits and ragged/damaged ends, cut off all of the bad stuff...but leave all the healthy hair.

i would say to work with the hair you have. by doing so, you are sure to stay on top of your regimen, learn about your hair texture, and develop a system that gains you your desired health and retention. for instance, you'll probably wash more or deep-condition more often if you own hair is out.

as for the weave or braids, it depends. are you honestly going to take care of your hair underneath properly? are you well-versed enough to know what to do in terms of haircare, while wearing braids/weave? is your hair strong enough for that type of friction and stress? what condition is your hair in? does it need a break from perms or braids, etc?

assess your hair carefully before you make any moves.

if you must put in braids, read up on the "crown and glory" method, in order to learn how to maintain braids in a healthy way. www.growafrolonghair.com

good luck!
Hi :wave: and welcome! The first thing I would do is to educate myself on my hair type. Then make some hair goals. Then create a hair regimen that will help me reach my goals. There is tons of information here. Good luck!
hi there..you've come to a good place for healthy hair growing:yep:. good luck with all of your goals.
WELCOME!!!!!!! this place is really great, its like one big huge funny crazy family! lol

Sooo true! We welcome you with open arms, you're gonna be so glad you stumbled upon this site!:yep:

I would say if you're gonna keep the weave, there are many ladies who can give you a great regimen like Bemoreflygirl for example. Also, Reniece has an amazing fotki and regimen for weaves. Its up to you but you will be successful if you are diligent with whatever you decide to do. Try not to go crazy with a bunch of new products, ( we never do that here:lachen:), er uh yes we do but we try not to:look: Figuring out your hair type is good advice, then you can see who here has similar hair and what works for them. First thing I would look to get is a good deep conditioner and a moisturizing leave-in IMHO(in my humble opinion) Good luck to you and HHG!(happy hair growing!)
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Welcome to LHCF! From someone who has worn the braids and the weaves back to back, the best thing you could do for your hair is to stop wearing them and give your real hair some TLC. Find a simple regimen for your hair type (there is tons of information about basic hair care on here) and stick to it. Your hair will flourish and love you for it:yep:. I speak from experience...
Braids and weaves are not necessarily bad....if they are done well and you take care of them, your hair can thrive. I know my hair loves braids as long as I don't leave them in for too long and I moisturise well.

You will find tons of info on this board, some of it will work great, some may not but you'll definitely see an improvement in your hair.


Thanks for all the great advice.
I need to get this weave out tomorrow and start giving my hair some TLC.

And yes, BSL by June is too ambitious :-( I will try for APL but especially for thick healthy hair.

My head is abuzz with all the products and regimens going on here but I will try to stay simple.

Thank you all and happy New Year!
