Hi! I am a newcomer to LHCF who wants to say Thank YOU!!!

Well I am not exactly a newcomer but a new subscriber. I have been lurking around here for over a year. After being inspired by a wig challenge thread I found on here, I decided to do my own wig challenge from April 2010 to April 2011. I just finished the challenge, and the results are posted below.

I am beyond well pleased with the results. I retained every inch of my hair and have gone from arm pit length to MBL in a year.

I just had to subscribe to be able to tell you ladies thank you for giving me the inspiration to do my first ever challenge! I am planning on doing a 6 month protective styling challenge starting in May to help get me closer to WL.

So, yeah. I just wanted to celebrate by telling you ladies thank you! Please continue to keep me encouraged. :)

Be blessed everyone!
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Wow! Congratulations on your success! I've been wearing wigs on an off for a couple of years and yes - they are great for PSing. Your story is inspirational :)
:welcome: not so newbie! lol

congrats on your retention! that is just awesome :yay:

your fotki is nicely documented...you should post pics in the forum too!
Thanks ladies for the welcomes! I do plan on posting pictures in hope of being an inspiration to others just like many on here have been my inspiration.

I just have to figure out how to post pictures. A LOT of features open up once you subscribe! :)
Aw, you ladies rock! Thanks for the continued support and encouragement.

Nice progress pics! And look at the baby's progress too! :)

Yes, her hair is getting so long! It is truly amazing seeing the difference in her hair although I thought it was cute that she had short hair a year ago.

Congrats! Your hair is amazing. I might have to try this wig thing foreal now:yep:.

The wig challenge has been pretty easy. It got boring at times but I did allow a couple of breaks where I wore my hair out in twists/buns to get me over the rut.
Amazing growth retention, both you and the baby! Don't think I could hide away all the beautiful hair for another 6 months, but the results will be worth it :-)
Thanks ladies!

Amazing growth retention, both you and the baby! Don't think I could hide away all the beautiful hair for another 6 months, but the results will be worth it :-)

It is going to be a challenge indeed because I am loving my hair right now but at least my hair wont be solely under a wig for the entire 6 months. I will be twisting and bunning for the next 6 months too. The results will definitely be worth it! :grin: