HI! First Post...Major Question(Long)


Active Member
OK...Here goes. I stumbled upon this site looking for general hair care advice. Oh my God!..... when I found LHCF, I knew I was in heaven:woot:. Day in and day out, the first thing I did when I got a chance was come to the site, read all the posts, take notes, stalk fotki's, and run out to buy more hair products :lol: . I have never had so many hair products in my life (Just the basics... hair grease, gel, comb/brush:eek: ). Come to think about it, I don't remember what I used to do during my free time before I discovered LHCF:lol: . I have been lurking the boards for about 2 months (since NOV. '06).

OK...So here's the question. I read numerous posts about the importance of moisture, moisture, and more moisture. Then you seal with an oil such as coconut, jojo, etc...Ok so I get that part. But if I moisturize and seal in the morning and want to moisturize at nite, will the moisturizer be able to get into my hair strands because I sealed my hair with oil earlier? I thought that once you sealed the hair strand with oil, nothing can get into or out of it. Or does the oil only seal for a short period of time?
Welcome to LHCF. I don't know the answer myself either. I think it's a great question though, i would like to know the answer myself, i plan on using an oil to seal my ends as well.
welcome!!!!....I've always wondered the answer to that question too.
:p Me too! Me too!
I've been wondering the same thing. I hope someone has the answer to this one.
Welcome to LHCF, I'm a newbie too
I think the oil only seals for a certain amount of time. Like after a day or so it should have worn off (as long as you're using an oil w/o mineral oil in it) so when you go to moisturize again it will get through. HTH

Oh, and welcome to the board!!!:)
I believe Sistaslick said that the oil doesn't last until the next wash or anything. It depends on how much of the oil you're using and what kind of oil. For instance, castor oil will last much longer than jojoba oil...HTH Hope it can hold you over until someone answers more thouroughly...:D
Welcome! Great question, as pokahontas and naturallylovely stated it's only sealed for a limited amount of time. I also think you should be careful if you use products that contain silicones (serums) as they may block you from getting the proper effects of sealing and eventually try your hair out.