Hi Everyone!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
OK, I know I haven't been posting too much. A lot has been happening between training for the competition and work (I got a promotion). My hair is still braided. I think I am gonna take them out soon though and get a relaxer. I am just trying to find a salon. IslandGirl gave me the names of 2 in Philly and I am going to check out. I can tell I've gotten a lot of new growth, I just don't wanna jack it up!
Hi Carrie,

Long time "no see". Congratulations on the newgrowth and good luck at the competition.
Hi Carrie! Congratulations on your new growth and your promotion. And I am sure the training is going well also. Hotpink also suggested some hairdressers in philly, in the philadelphia salon thread. I hope your relaxer goes well
Keep me updated on how the hair comes out and who you eventually go to, to get it done.
Hi Carrie Im new here and wanted to say congrats on you peomo and good luck at your competion..... What do you do....
Hi Carrie

I'm wishing you all the best with your competition and I know when you relax your hair it will turn out fine. BTW, thanks for the protein/calorie info. It's working like a charm
congrats carrie on the promotion, hair growth and hope to be able to say congrats for winning the competition as well