Hi Everyone!!


Well-Known Member
I would like to introduce myself. I've lurked on LHCF for 5+ years and I decided today to join! (I'm coughing up for the 514 so why not join??!?) :lurking:

I put in my request for a Pibbs and I had to let everyone else know how excited I am!
A little about me:
I had WL hair for up to about 4 years ago when it was cut to APL by SHS and then it was cut to my nape Jan 07. I'm currently growing back to *hopefully* WL. I'm APL now (I think). I haven't used heat in over a year. I have a KISS regimen that I have been working on perfecting still after all these years.

Wow...you've been here way longer than I have. Welcome out of lurkdom!:grin:

Five years of lurking . . . I'm sure you learned a lot. Welcome to the club. :welcome:

Yes, 5 years is a long time, but it was on and off. I would lay off and get busy with life but I'd always come back "home" when something bad would happen i.e. SHS, and other mishaps.
I learned a lot of things, but its like my hair changes its mind and stops reacting to products and regimens (even after clarifying and changing clarifying poos) after a while and I'm constantly reading about what works for others. I'm glad I finally joined. It was definitely worth it!! I'm determined this time to follow through and stick with it to reach my goals.
Dang, 5 years? You were a super lurker! :rofl:

Welcome! It really is great to be able to ask a question when you have one!
Awww, I feel so official and welcome!! I feel like I know so many of you all and I look forward to bringing ideas!

Thanks you guys!!:circle:

You ladies have some of the most BEAUTIFUL heads thine eyes have seen!
I am praying that I too will become an official LHCF graduate one day!

I feel so welcome! What everyone says is true, this is a really supportive group!:bighug: