HF37 Vitamins


New Member
Has anyone tried these vitamins and have you had a good outcome? I am thinking about buying them, just wanted to get feedback..Thanks P.S. No pic's yet in the works..soon very soon. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I bought the "Try Me Special Plus" two times last year. Two months later I was $150 poorer and saw no change in my hair. But that's just me... I still buy the Herbal Booster when it's on sale, though.
I've had much better success with GNC's Ultra Nourishhair. If you get the HF 37, get it from here:
It's a lot cheaper.
Thanks for the heads up it is much cheaper on that site!! You saved me alot of money..I'll try it for about 2 to 3 months if I see no improvement I will go to GNC and buy there brand. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I also use a modified version of HF37. I got good results with it but I wanted to save some money. I posted the replacement regimen that I came up with on this board with prices and links. I'll see if I can find it for you.

Ok here is the link to that thread: HF37 Replacement
If you want my opinion get a good multi vitamin and an amino acid supplement. There's your HF37 right there and it will save you a lot of money. If you are in the US vitamin world do a mega vitamins for the hair which is superior (ingredients wise) to the Multi vitamin in the HF37. The doseage for the mega vitamins for the hair is 3x a day and don't be alarmed your urine will be a yellow colour. It's the beta carotene in it.
