hey naturals I have a condish ?


Active Member
ok...lemme see if I can explain this the way I want :lachen:

my hair is slightly below shoulder length stretched.... I would love to wear it loose but my ends get soooo dry... It's either I have something on my hair that is too heavy to weight the curls down kinda but it's so thick that it leaves residue all over my neck and clothes...or I have something lighter than just makes my hair shrink up to my d@mn eyebrows...

so does anybody have any suggestions of something moisturizing that slightly weighs the curls down but isn't like greasy or slimy or residue-y on like your neck or clothes?

I've already tried oyin whipped pudding, qhemet heavy cream and the burdock butter cream (not together though) and the miss jessie's something...i don't remember what..... I've even tried just leaving my conditioner in my hair (pantene R & N or hydrating curls or VO5 moisture milks) and I dunno it makes my hair feel funny...almost crunchy like and if you 'break up the crunch' the hair just goes :eek2::afro:

Applying S Curl the spray at night and then plaiting the hair for the night and baggying and then taking off the baggy and letting a bit of the moisture from the baggy evaporate, then undoing the plaits and combing it gives a nice fluffy puff that doesn't shrink up, won't be juicy and dripping, and won't stain clothes. It worked for me when I had 3 inches of hair and my hair looked like this:

Here's a shrunken version of the same hairstyle when I didn't braid my hair before baggying for the night. Notice it was hard to really see the puff from the front coz it would shrink so much unlike the previous pics:

I'm yet to try it on longer hair but I believe I'll get similar results.

ETA: Did I mention that my hair stayed soft for days after that single application I would do before plaiting and wearing the baggy? Usually the application on damp hair after washing in the AM did indeed dry to a slight crunchiness by evening, but my hair would LOOK soft all day long regardless of how it felt to touch. So I'd apply again at night to dry hair this time before plaiting and baggying. I'd not need to apply anymore again till wash day about 2 or 3 days later, and my hair would never be crunchy again.
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Have you ever tried adding gel? Something light hold and moisturizing?

Aubrey Organics B5 gel. My hair doesn't fall the same way without it. It's like a thick a leave - in and light hold gel in one. I still use leave in with it though.


Water (Deionized), Aloe Vera (Organic), Gum Arabic (Organic), Tragacanth Gum, Rosa Mosqueta Rose Hip Seed Oil (Organic), Inositol, Sulfer Containing Amino Acids (Methionine and Cysteine), Horse Chestnut Extract, Horsetail Extract, Coltsfoot Extract, Nettle Extract, Linoleic Acid (Vitamin F), Biotin, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamin A, C, E), Balsam Oil (Organic), Orange Oil (Organic)
Have you ever tried adding gel? Something light hold and moisturizing?

Aubrey Organics B5 gel. My hair doesn't fall the same way without it. It's like a thick a leave - in and light hold gel in one. I still use leave in with it though.


Water (Deionized), Aloe Vera (Organic), Gum Arabic (Organic), Tragacanth Gum, Rosa Mosqueta Rose Hip Seed Oil (Organic), Inositol, Sulfer Containing Amino Acids (Methionine and Cysteine), Horse Chestnut Extract, Horsetail Extract, Coltsfoot Extract, Nettle Extract, Linoleic Acid (Vitamin F), Biotin, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamin A, C, E), Balsam Oil (Organic), Orange Oil (Organic)

Now look what you've done. Now I've got to go and buy this tomorrow.
-shrug- strawberries and creme is actually what i was gonna suggest. i leave it in, squeeze out the extra water, plop with a t-shirt and love it.