Hey Ladiesss....


Well-Known Member
How would you feel if your husband objectified women? Is it just boys will be boys or what?
Because I'm not a man nor am I married but I would feel some way if I found out my husband objectified women especially young ones.
A young lady walks by in a thotfit (thotty outfit) and your husband is basically following her and telling all his buddies to go look or even taking photos
You are not present. Or anywhere around.
So, what yall say?
My DH isn't like this but anyone who has a DH like this knows how they are; it's not something new though as it's said, "love covers a multitude of sins," but maybe it was overlooked. So at this point it really falls down to if matters will change or remain the same. This is an undesirable character trait that I'm not willing to tolerate as it just communicates so much that their thought process is hit.
OK that's what I thought like I thought it was just me. Like maybe that's just how dudes are and I've never experienced a dude in his element like I do now.
So can I hear from the married ladies does your manogle women? Maybe not as extreme as the op
My man doesn't give a **** about other women. They are virtually invisible to him because no one compares to me in his mind. So no, he doesn't oogle. Of course if a beautiful woman passes by and we're together, it's only human nature to notice; as a matter of fact I may comment because I am secure enough in myself that I can compliment another woman's beauty...but blatant disrespect, hell to the no.
I don't think it's something I can live with at all..

There's a saying that it's not the first look that get's you into trouble, it's the second. When a really beautiful/ revealed woman walks by, it catches even my attention. If it's an acknowledgment and looking away that's one thing, but ogling is just disrespectful.

Having said that, men are visual and if you're not in the vicinity and they feel they can get away with starring and not being caught i'm sure most guys probably will just stare
It's not just "boys will be boys". That phrase is just another excuse to pass off misogyny and not hold boys and men accountable for their actions. I also really really hate the word thot. It burns my soul to hear it. There's no reason for any man to do that. If he does that to one woman, what's to stop him from thinking that of me? He and I would definitely have some words.