Hey Ladies...intro/re-intro


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

My name is Nadine. I've been on LHCF for a few years now. With the help of this forum I managed to get my shoulder length hair to nearly bra strap length. After a while I fell off the hair growing wagon. I have managed to maintain my near bs length for a few years now.

I've decided that I'd like to take up my desire for mid back length hair, through tried and true strategies: you know, protective styling, stretching relaxers, good products and all of that stuff.

Anyhow, I just wanted to jump in and say hey. I hope to become more active here from now on.

I hope everyone has been having a blessed 2007 thus far!
Nice to meet you shinyblackhair. Do you have a fotki? what has been your regime. I'm new here and just looking for some tips. HHG!
I just revamped my fotki and posted the link in my siggy. I hope to get some pics added soon.

I haven't had a relaxer since mid October so my head in a jungle right now, lol.