It sounds like maybe the relaxer did the damage. If you hair was long and natural then you relaxed and it broke off?????

Thats the only thing I can think of.............................
Naa I just relaxed it . REMEMBER ladies this problem happen months ago. I just permed my hair its fine now I just want my length back.
I really dont knw. I went to the Dominicans some days before and that's the only thing I could think of.

yes it was, it look like someone cut straight across. But at that time I was a perm head I just started transistioning 4mons ago. I couldnt handle it and relaxed my hair the other day. But KIKI my hair was the length in the pic and since the incident I cut it to NL and now its at SL. I just want tips on how to get my length back thats all

So if I understand correctly. The Breakage happened a while ago and left you at NL???? And at that time you were transitioning. which would explain the breakage at the line of demarcation.

Now you have recovered and re-relaxed and decided not to transition anymore. You are at SL and have seemingly healty hair but you just want to continue growing as a relaxed head?

Is this right?

I just want to get the time like straight so that we can help you better
If your hair is no longer breaking and you are trying to get your length back. I suggest protective styles, reduce or eliminate heat, deep treatments, protein treatments. The same things we all do to retain length. If there is no more damage just work on keeping those ends moisturized and protected I'm sure your hair will start to regain length. You just have to be patient now.
So if I understand correctly. The Breakage happened a while ago and left you at NL???? And at that time you were transitioning. which would explain the breakage at the line of demarcation.

Now you have recovered and re-relaxed and decided not to transition anymore. You are at SL and have seemingly healty hair but you just want to continue growing as a relaxed head?

Is this right?

I just want to get the time like straight so that we can help you better
LOL almost I was relaxed hen that happen. AFTER that happen I went natural for maybe 4mons,didnt like it so THIS WEEK I relaxed my hair :)
If your hair is no longer breaking and you are trying to get your length back. I suggest protective styles, reduce or eliminate heat, deep treatments, protein treatments. The same things we all do to retain length. If there is no more damage just work on keeping those ends moisturized and protected I'm sure your hair will start to regain length. You just have to be patient now.
THANKS thats what Im doing I just have to get the patience thing down pack. I am still in a state of denial because it feels like yesterday I had all of my hair...and now its gone.
Do you sleep with a bonnet or anything? Maybe the elastic can be rubbing against your hair. Your nape may be a different texture than the rest of your hair and you may need to treat it different as such.
LOL almost I was relaxed hen that happen. AFTER that happen I went natural for maybe 4mons,didnt like it so THIS WEEK I relaxed my hair :)

Thanks for the clarification hun :)

So now hopefully you can become a DIY for a while... Nurse your hair while you bring it back to life and restore length.

You wear head wraps so the Protective styling will come naturally.

I will let the experienced relaxed head come in but I will recomend incorporating ceramide oils. you can see Halle J's success


The plus is you have gotten to BSL before so you know that you can grow. you just need time, patience, and TLC :grin:

I wish you all the best. I know set backs do hurt
Thanks for the clarification hun :)

So now hopefully you can become a DIY for a while... Nurse your hair while you bring it back to life and restore length.

You wear head wraps so the Protective styling will come naturally.

I will let the experienced relaxed head come in but I will recomend incorporating ceramide oils. you can see Halle J's success


The plus is you have gotten to BSL before so you know that you can grow. you just need time, patience, and TLC :grin:

I wish you all the best. I know set backs do hurt
thanks Im going to look into the ceremaides oils. See this is why I love this group!