Hey, is anyone else tired of taking vitamins?


Well-Known Member
I have been taking viatmins consistently for the past 6-8 months.The only time I don't take them is during my period. But I've been on a break now for about two weeks and I can't get myself to start taking them again. I just don't feel like it. I have seen results with my hair growth and my skin. I stopped taking them because my appetite slowed down ( this happens to me from time to time, I get bored with food). I usually graze on fruits and veggies (esp watermelon & mango) and other fiber and grain snacks, but I don't feel that it's enough food for me to be taking so many vitamins. I guess I'm weird, huh? I just wanted to know if there were any others who were also slacking up on their vitamins? BTW, my hair is still growing

Slowly, but surely
ooohh yes. i got tired of taking all these vitamins months ago. i did have more hair growth...all over... but still all these pills really got on my nerves and i felt like an old woman. i'm okay now. i don' t think it was that big of a difference when i took them. plus it made my skin on my face break out. and even if it was good for my hair or even all over health, my face/skin comes first. so that was the main reason for me to stop.
I was taking them consistently daily for 5 or so wks. That changed to every other day, & now is once a wk for the last 4 or so wks. The sad part about it is that I only take 2 (Flintstones chewables & Country Life Biotin). I'll get back on track one day.... my hair growth definitely accelerated with them
but still all these pills really got on my nerves and i felt like an old woman.

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Since I got the Ultra Hair Shake a few weeks ago, I've only been taking hair vitamins, biotin and MSM powder. I was taking approx. 14 pills a day before that.
Me too dontspeakdefeat! I'm a total pill popper! I love the results too much! Whether for hair growth or health I will be taking supplements for life.
i want long hair too much to be givin up my pills
if i stop my vit regiment then it'd be after archivin my hair goals coz this 4 inch hair and doin too much for me rite now
zoya, I've been on a break for about 2-3 weeks too. lol
I can't seem to start taking them again either I never really saw anything significant and I started taking them in late February. I've said that I was going to finish these and that would be it for my extra vitamin taking regimen. I'll continue taking what I was taking before. I know that I can grow healthy longer hair without them, so that's what I plan to do.
This is kinda weird because I've been slacking on my vits for the past two weeks too. I was getting good growth with them, but I've been busy to take them and have been focusing my energies on the rest of my life.
Ah well, I'll get back to them when I get settled again.
I take calcium, plus B-5 & Vitimin E for skin and hair.

I also am not a good pill taker (I'm gonna have a hard time when I'm geriatic
) What has kept me disiplined is to always take my vitimins with food. I have to admit, I do this even when it's not advised to do so on the label, but I know that if I want to eat, I must first pop my 3 vitimins before I "allow" myself to. This has allowed me to to stay consistent for over a year, where as in the past I would have baled on my regimen within a month.

Even if it's just a snack, and not a major meal. try taking them before you eat.
That's what I normally take, plus a multi and sometimes vitamin C, for my health, not my hair. What we're talking about here is taking 10+ additional pills per day besides that. There are people on here who are taking 15 or more pills per day.
Hey CurlCrlyy,

I'm typing again beacuse my other post got lost in limbo(???)

I really can't imagine taking that many pills unless my health were in mortal danger. The only advice I can give in that case is to compare the benefit all the vitimins are suppose to offer, and cancel out ones that are similar. After you reach the maximum benefit that any regimen of suppliments can give, the excess is just being taken for psychological comfort (as well as making the vitmin pimps rich
BlackLottus, some are getting 1" or more of growth per month,when they were previously getting 1/4-1/2" and they're attributing it to taking vitamins. I never achieved anything like that, but I don't think I'd take vitamins even if I did. My hair grows at an Ok rate, but not 1"+ per month. It's just not that important to me anymore. You're right.....someone is getting rich from that, that's for sure.
Hey CurlCrlyy,

I'm typing again beacuse my other post got lost in limbo(???)

I really can't imagine taking that many pills unless my health were in mortal danger. The only advice I can give in that case is to compare the benefit all the vitimins are suppose to offer, and cancel out ones that are similar. After you reach the maximum benefit that any regimen of suppliments can give, the excess is just being taken for psychological comfort (as well as making the vitmin pimps rich

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I agree. I take 6 and feel funny about taking them but continue because 4 of them are for health issues and only 2 are for hair.
Yes, I get tired of taking them. After I finish up the Puritan Pride vitamins I plan to just take a multi, B5, and flaxseed capsules.

I got tired of taking mine a few weeks ago as well, I have decided that I will finish what I have but I will only continue to take a multi vitamin, b-5 and my iron pills.
I too took a break from my vitamins. I was taking 14 pills a day! I'm just taking a month off. A friend of mine made a valid point when I told him I was tired of taking the birth control pill. He was like, "you already taking 14 vitamins a day...why would one extra pill bother you?"
I didn't think about it like that...I'm just tired of swallowing pills every morning. However, I have noticed the difference now that I have stopped taking the vitamins. My hair sheds a lot more now. So starting the week after next, I am going to get back on my vitamin kick.
How about just choosing the ones that are essential and ditching the rest. I can't believe all 14 are necessary.
I think the people who are taking 10+ vitamins a day are including the 5 pills of PP Biotin, so that's not really a lot. But, I think I'm going to give the biotin a rest for a while. Believe it or not, the extra growth is not welcome right now. Once I start getting braids I'll reintroduce it to my regimen. Right now, I'm going to focus on the health of my hair and retaining my length. I will continue to take a multi and especially the MSM and EFAs. They have a real nice effect on my new growth.
I do get tired from time to time, and when that happens I just stop. Then I'll start again a few months later.
I do get tired of them from time to time but I always go back. The benefits are what draw me back in. Of course to remedy popping pills i am trying to get things in powder form. also when i used to take my pills i used to take them with meals so it was a routine for me. i used to take a whole lot of pills 10+ but then thought this is nuts. i agree unless it is a health issue that many pills for hair alone isnt really necessary. i plan to buy some msm powder and take that with drinks and have my ultra hair thick shake and my b5. my b5 will be the only pills i will be taking. for me i am not doing another 15 pills a day. it makes no sense to me anymore and if this is something i am going to be doing for a long time its not something realistically i think i can continue to do. plus i did assess my vitamin regime and figure out what pills were worth it and which ones werent and from there just narrowed it down to ones that i believe are helpful. God bless you all.
Yes, I'm also tired of taking vitamins!! They seem to increase my appetite and make it impossible for me to lose any weight. For summer, that's a
!!! I stopped taking them a few weeks ago, but I may slowly start working them back in, one at a time, so maybe I can figure out which one it is that's making me eat like a piggie.

What's bad is that I have SO many bottles to use up!! I bought them during PP's Buy Two get one free (or whatever that was!!) sale!!
Lindy, I have pills from the PP buy 1 get 2 free sale too.
I have 2 bottles of Biotin, 2 of Vitamin C, and 1 1/2 containers of protein powder. The Vit C isn't a big deal because I will be taking that even after everything else is gone. I guess that I am going to have to force myself to start again ot get these out of my face. <sigh>