Hey-I have pics up/in need of advice!


New Member

I'm a seventeen year old college student (I'll be attending Duke in the fall) and I've gotten my hair pressed since middle school (never had a perm). Now I'm gettin ready for school and I want to be able to maintain my hair-im sure my hair type is a mixture of 3c and 4a and I'd like to experiment with natural styles. My hair was long and dark brown but at the beginning of the school year I got blonde highlights (they were pretty for a while now they look kind of brassy ugh). Anywho just looking for advice from other college students on how you keep your hair up. PICTURES OF ME AND MY HAIR
i'm definitely not a college student, but with your current length, i think your hair would look really good in a braid out.

LMAO @ the amusement park that only had one ride!!
I agree, a nice braid out or a bantu knot set (take the bantu knots down and style after they dry).

In terms of keeping your hair up, take a good supply of the hair products you use now (you may or may not find them at school) cause they seem to be working for you

You may know this already (but I'm going to say it anyway
) - don't let anyone use your combs or brushes or rollers at school. Better to be safe than sorry.

Hope that helps a little.
Welcome! You'll find some great advice here (I know that I did). You are a very pretty lady and I love your hair. My favorite styles are buns, phony ponies, rollersets, twistouts (two strand twisting hair then securing roller on ends and airdry), and a single braid (lately the herringbone braid).

Have fun!
Whew, girl what you gonna do w/ all that hair? Guess that's why your here, huh? My advice would be natural low maintenance styles. Have you considered cornrows or braids? I know I don't have time to be fussing with my hair so it's up in a bun or twisted up w/ little clippies EVERYDAY! Can you press your own hair? you might consider just keeping it pressed out since it's been working for you.
Welcome aboard, your hair is very pretty, I think u should wash and braid or twist your hair, since youll be a busy college student now, wearing a bun is another great option. Good luck..but Im sure youll be fine.
Hey there!
I'm a college student (I go to UNC--so I'm sorry in advance about ur decision to go to Duke...jk
) anyhoo I've been transitioning for a year and some change now so although I'm not all the way natural I have a significant amount of natural hair. My hair is bra strap length and I do conditioner washes just about every day (or every 2 days depending on the style I'm wearing). Braidouts and wetbuns are definately my staples and recently the wash and go technique that Tracy recommended. If you do a search you can probably find it. I probably straighten my hair once a month and I use a jilbere flat iron and Dudleys light pressing oil. Cheap conditioners became my best friend and seeing as how there is ONE wal-mart in durham, I'm pretty frequent there lol. Thats about it though, hope that helps!

Oh and btw, i went to LEAD too! (2002 UCLA)--small world huh?
Your hair looks great. Bantu out will look great. I used to wear cornrows and caps to class and jazz it up on the weekend
I'm a college student and the best part of college is that you can do anything you want. have fun and let ur imagination run wild
thank you all very much for your advice! I think I'm going to stick to the buns, conrows and bantu knots...because that NC heat is NO JOKE :-)