Hey! I am a new member! :0)


New Member
Well,...sort of. I've been lurking for over 6 months, and finally was able to join (due to ongoing computer issues,...you don't even want to know!
) Anyway, I'm happy to be here, and I must say that I've been on just about EVERY CHALLENGE as the rest of my "hair sisters". I'm currently SURGING it up, and I've been OFFICIALLY doing the Carrot Juice Challenge for about 1 month now, and I am sort of doing the Frenchee's stinky challenge thing. I just recently relaxed my hair (last week), and colored same night w/ Bigen Oriental black. I will work hard at getting a digital camera to post some pictures of my big 'ol "4B ALL THE WAY, MAMA" hair (which, incidentally, is the only thing that also prevents me from SELLING on EBAY rather than always spending my money up there like always
. I am very sorry that my 1st post has to be so long, but I am just so excited to finally be with my peeps. I'M HOME! I'M HOME! <font color="red"> </font> BTW, does anyone know of any Dominican products or stylists in the Tidewater area of Virginia? ( Ok, the REAL reason that I joined LHCF was this,........
! I LOVE this little smiley faced thingy. <font color="red"> </font>
It's great to have you on board!! It's kewl that you're doing all these challenges. I just ecently starting surging and I'm on carrot juice challenge also