Hey Henna Girls! Found some new products today!


Well-Known Member
This first one is called Amla Shine and it's an Amla shampoo. It has amla, shikakai, hibiscus, wheat protein, rosemary oil, coconut oil, panthenol, and food-grade parabens.

The second one is called Pure Gloss; it's the conditioner. It has amla, hibiscus, fenugreek, bhringraj, brahmi, and neutral henna (lawsonia inermis). Also wheat protein, panthenol, castor oil, lavendar, rosemary, eucalyptus, citric acid, and food-grade parabens for preservative.

I hope I got all of the ingredients..they are very hard to read.

Anyway, how amazing is it to find products with all these ingredients that have been discussed over the past weeks. These look like great products and they sound great to use until my henna arrives. I just washed yesterday, but I'm itching to use them. I got them from Whole Foods. Check them out!!!;)
I was eying these products today at my local health food store. I was tempted to try it but I had already satisfied my inner pj with other purchases. Let us know how the products work for you. ;)