Hey everyone -- I'm new! :)


New Member
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Heather! I am newly registered, but am familiar with the forum for about six years or so. I just wanted to give some background on my hair for the past 4 years. I started wearing weaves/wigs about four years go. I did not take care of my hair at all. I would literally wash it every four-to six months (horrible, I know). When I would wash it, I just used what ever random thing that was around. My hair was breaking so bad (from relaxer overlapping {I know that now, did not know it at the time what I was doing was wrong}), that I just gave up. My hair was gradually becoming more and more natural but still breaking like crazy.

Fastforward to late august of this year. Saw one of ateya's videos (a youtube vlogger) on aphogee and decided to buy it. My hair breakage stopped in its tracks. I regret not tyring something earlier. A few days later did a relaxer. I was shocked at how much my hair still grew under such a poor/nonexistant hair care regimen. My hair four years ago was at the middle of the nape of my neck. Now it is about APL. A growth of about 8 inches

Just a warning to those who may be lurking, my hair grows fast, but I regret not properly taking care of it while wearing the wigs/weaves. I know if had taken care of my hair, I would have easily had about 15 inches (with regular trims) of healthy growth in that time span. :wallbash:

Anyway, my hair routine is still a work in progress, but I know I wil not put another relaxer in my hair until the first of the year, even thought I have about an inch and a half of newgrowth. I hope to learn a lot from you all!!
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Glad to have ya. Well if you got that far with no regimen, just imagine where you'll be at your next relaxer. Make sure post progress pics!
Hey Heather! I'm new too I just subscribed today after months of lurking. I was actually trying to find the introduce yourself thread lol. All of you guys are such inspiration and I'm so jealous of your hair
Welcome, Heather! I was a long-time lurker, myself. It's nice to be able to actually interact, though. Great progress; you're gonna be sitting on your hair in no time...:lachen:. Seriously, though, welcome!
Welcome!!! We're glad to have you and you've done a great job by recognizing some of your wrong practices. HHG!