He's not coming Home

I felt compelled to come in here to tell you how much I admire your strength. I pray that he returns home soon. In the meantime, keep your head up. It sounds like you are holding down the homefront with such grace. And looking at your beautiful smile in your siggy, you are also not letting this weaken your soul. You are an inspiration.
Aww I am so sorry. Being separated for a long time is tough. You are strong; these last few months will pass before you know it, now that you are busy with the children. Hugs!!
Awww, Chica. Sending a bear hug to you. Just lean your head on The Almighty's shoulder. He'll wrap you in His arms and make that time fly by. He has blessed you mightly with those twins and you can rest assured that He will give you the strength, courage, and love you need to take care of them until He brings DH back by your side. Just keep coming here. We'll make you mad, laugh, and cry through his entire stay. Feel free to PM me if you need to vent or if you need a cyber hug. :yep:
I'm sorry to hear that. How long has he been over there? Is this his first tour? I know they were extending the tours to 15 months. My cousin just went over there, so he'll be gone for a while. I appreciate what the troops are doing for George Bush and the families that have to go without their loved ones during this time. Here's hoping for a safe return!
I'm sorry, I am dealing with my own military seperation right now and it can be hard. Just try to stay busy, you have made it this far you can do a few more. Is your hubby is in the army? They do super long deployments and it sucks. I hope he isn't anywhere dangrous.
Girl I know how you feel. Sending you hugs and prayers for holding it down at home. Hoping your sweety will return home soon and safely!!! Take care Q
:hug3: SophiaRose, I'm so sorry and I can only imagine how tough this must be for you. Hang in there sis, it is almost over and even though this last little monkey wrench was thrown in, just know it's not gonna happen again and he IS coming home in January. You are so pretty and I am sure you and your beautiful twins will be okay...it will be over soon.:giveheart: